The crash wall has taken way more than 3 or 4 weeks at this point. They've been working on it for months already.

If you go back to the story we ran in November, you'll see the start of the crash wall then, including the incredibly think rebar being used for it.

All buildings along the corridors will have these crash walls.

All the Southcore Financial Centre buildings, Telus, The Tower at King, Market Wharf have crash walls. The walls are over a foot thick.
^Oh I know but this isn't the first crash wall I've seen built, and the other one I've seen took maybe a week to build, not the 3 or 4 weeks that this one is taking.

The weather couldn't be helping.
Pic taken taken Mar 8, 2014

Project should go up faster once they pass the fifth floor - transfer slab/floor. The crane tower will be moved over as well.

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There's an unbelievable amount of rebar (hugely thick rebar) in the crash wall, as you can best make out in drum's third photo above.


Photo's taken from a distance don't do the crash wall any justice. One only needs to take a trip on a Lakeshore East GO train to appreciated the true fortitude of the structure. You can barely see though all the damn rebar. I don't recall any of the other crashwalls being reinforced to this degree(though southcore seemed to better thinker concrete-wise), its like the second coming of the Berlin wall I tell ya.
^its been interesting to slowly watch them pour it over the last couple of weeks on my daily commute. They put up the scaffolding for what appears to be the second last pour today.
The space between these two buildings seems to be very narrow. The unit owners directly facing one another will be very cozy for sure.

I wonder if those who bought on the lower floors of L Tower knew they would lose their view of the lake? Wasn't Backstage announced only after sales at L were pretty much wrapped up?
They're not going to loose a lake view only directly south on. But to either sides of backstage shouldn't block the entire lake surely.
Thanks ProjectEnd.

The last diagram shows how the Backstage will block many of L building units' view of the lake.
What a great pool to actually do some swimming. They're usually way too short to get any sort of training in.
