snapped this from the train, sorry for the poor quality

No worries about the quality of the image, the Sony sign doesn't deserve any better. In a few years that section of sky will be completely gone, thanks for the post.
here are some views from virtual earth to get a better perspective of the site.




A pedestrian bridge if done right could look very cool and give the street some interesting layers.

This shot was posted by qzzq on skyscrapercity.
I'm still trying to figure out how the L Tower will be jammed beside the Sony Centre. I doubt that these buildings and the Go Transit Tower will provide that kind of Parisian quality evident in the posted photos.
That's what I was thinking too. The L Tower's space seemed to make sense in discussion until I saw those Virtual Earth captures.
A pedestrian bridge if done right could look very cool and give the street some interesting layers.

This shot was posted by qzzq on skyscrapercity.
Nice bridge and it serves a useful purpose - to get over a hostile pedestrian environment with that interchange. The Esplanade at Yonge is a lot more pedestrian friendly, even more after the L Tower is done. I don't see the point of a bridge there.
wow, never heard of "Virtual Earth" before - that is so cool, I'll have to check it out!

As for the "L" Tower, its going right on top of the Sony Centre, though tight up against Yonge Street is it not?
Yes, the L Tower will replace the low-rise section of the building at the corner of Esplanade and Yonge. The podium will continue north along the Yonge sidewalk. I believe there will also be some construction above the Sony Centre's fly tower.

I don't see the point of a bridge there.

The reason for the pedestrian bridge I'm assuming will be mostly to accommodate L-Tower residents. It will provide direct and possibly a fully enclosed environment for residents to get from their vehicles to their building. It may also create a link for concert goers to the Sony Centre. I think we should look forward to it's design because Libeskind won't allow them to just stick any old design onto the side of his building. Perhaps he'll even be involved with the design of it. I only hope they make one to cross Yonge Street as well
Dear Stakeholders:

It's come to my attention that some community stakeholders met with Senior Planner Al Rezoski recently in respect to the proposed GO Head Office building. Just to clarify, the materials Al had on hand would have been the earlier documents - ones that predated the materials presented at our Stakeholder Briefing on December 17th. It is unfortunate if this caused any inadvertent confusion.

As has been noted to-date the complete Site Plan Application has not yet been filed. The December 17th materials were a further step forward from the preliminary materials (which Al Rezoski had on hand prior to then). And the drawings/plans showed to stakeholders on December 17th are, as this project is still in pre-application, are continuing to be developed. And in view of this we are coordinating three upcoming consultations to continue the dialogue with the community.

Upcoming Consultations:
Public: March 3rd at the Kitchen at the Market (west mezzanine - South St. Lawrence Market) - 6:30 PM - doors/displays,
7:00 - presentation
25 The Esplanade Residents Only: March 19th - 25 The Esplanade, 5:30 to 8:30 - Information/Open House
Public: April 9th - Sony Centre Main Lobby - 6:30 PM - doors/displays, 7:00 - presentation: Councillor McConnell is scheduled to attend.
A postal walk notice will be sent out to residents in the vicinity of the site within the next week to 10 days.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch.
The Metrolinx folk are busy working on a plan to move the Dundas Street bus station to Harbour Street but, according to the Chairman;s Report at January meeting they now think it would be even better if they also did work on the new GO Bus station behind the Dominion Building AND connect it all to the new GO HQ. Here is the reportfrom the Metrolinx site. (Go to January 25 meeting and get a pdf of Chair's Report. Board/boardMeeting.aspx

Interregional Bus Terminal in the Toronto Union Station Precinct
Following the Board’s August 24, 2007 direction for a report-back on the viability of a proposed inter-regional bus terminal at 90 Harbour Street in the Toronto Union Station precinct, Metrolinx and its consultant have been in the process of identifying concepts for evaluation so that a best course of action recommendation can be made to the Board in February, 2008.
The retained consultant, along with Metrolinx staff, have been actively engaging key stakeholders including private-sector motor coach carriers, GO Transit, City of Toronto staff (including Planning, Transportation, and TTC), the Province of Ontario, Transport Canada, and Waterfront Toronto.
Opportunity for a Bus Terminal Adjacent to Toronto Union Station and Expanded Project Scope:
As the analysis of the transportation market and policy environment proceeded with respect to the Toronto Coach Terminal (Bay & Dundas) and 90 Harbour Street sites, it became evident there was an opportunity for an integrated bus terminal as part of a larger mixed-use development at the current GO Transit bus terminal site. As a result the consultant and Metrolinx staff expanded their scope of work to pursue a joint-venture concept that would involve the construction of a mixed-use office and two-level bus terminal in conjunction with Public Works Canada, and their heritage Federal Customs Building at 1 Front Street West.

The concept for 1 Front Street West currently being developed would protect and celebrate the rear façade of the heritage building with an atrium constructed above a two-level bus terminal that will improve upon GO Transit’s current accommodations and integrate private-carrier coaches on this site immediately adjacent to Union Station. The concept also includes significant office space to achieve highest and best use at the site. As the concept evolves it will integrate fully with the PATH network and Union Station.
The consultant and Metrolinx staff are currently working with architects and engineers to develop basic design concepts for both the 90 Harbour and 1 Front Street West sites which will be satisfactory from the both the perspectives of planning, policy and coach-operator stakeholders. These concepts will then be roughly costed, and the consultant’s report will analyze how Metrolinx should proceed, taking into account both a business case and transportation policy analysis.
Metrolinx staff and its consultant will be presenting a report to the Board in a February meeting with recommendations for a preferred site and concept for a bus terminal in the Union Station precinct and an appropriate course of action.
