from sat
Not sure if the podium has been refined, but it looks good on this close-up. Also looks like retail spaces are a possibility. Overall, not bad for a fringe development.

I remember seeing plans years ago for a very elaborate development behind the Dominion Public Building, including a large atrium. Has anything ever come of those? It might be a cool idea to consolidate the federal offices in the city.
^ Yes.

Ground breaking took place on Saturday the 14th. Here's Castlepoint Realty's Alfredo Romano with introduction by Hunter Milborne. A fun listen.

Backstage ground breaking took place this past Saturday May 14. A gloomy day but that didn't keep the spirits down.

The event began with a short introduction by Hunter Milborne, who's firm handled the sales for the tower.

Preparing for the ground breaking.


Getting ready for the big moment.

From left: Joe Cordiano, Cityzen Development Group; Robert Cheung, Cityzen; Alfredo Romano, CastlePoint Realty Partners; Sam Crignano, Cityzen; John O'Keefe, CastlePoint; Chi Cheung, Cityzen; Paulo Stellato, Cityzen.

Hey who invited Urban Toronto?

The banner rising.

Backstage built in one day.

The model.


Time for some drinks.
I wonder how this project is selling? I think One the Esplanade is probably a better name than Backstage. Backstage implies inferior, timid, boring--which of course this project is.

Hunter and Mansoor Kazerouni from P+S will be on the show tonight (May 25th) them to see why the didn't design to your liking. 7p 416.446.7090
Riley - Yes, indeed, L Tower residents will be able to use their "private" tunnel, to access the planned PATH connection. It is scheduled that one could exit the L Tunnel via elevator to ground level and enter, fobless, through either the elevator or stairwell PATH entry points currently planned at the southwest corner of Backstage.

Thanks, that's great news. For crappy weather days, its nice to know I could actually walk to the subway and go see a movie without ever going outside.
Interesting site- certainly if one is a trainspotter. I'm fairly indifferent about the design right now, and not a fan of those wings on the roof. The podium looks like it could be nice if they are using brick and pay attention to the details.
Really liking the look of this project (or at least the render). The balcony placement keep the tower looking sleek, something not factored into most recent designs. would have been nice if they went with a design to compliment 25 esplanade, or even a stone/concrete finish podium with some arches.
