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At sunset on the 17th…


…and today:


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Lots of activity on site today, I could see workers scrambling over the top floor as buckets of concrete were being hoisted from below to waiting forms, and… hmm… there's a mobile crane parked beside crane #2, and a bunch of guys on top of it.








Looking a bit naked.


…and stowed.


Turns out something in the turntable broke, so it's come down and been trucked off tho the shop for a fix, and should be going back up on Friday, barring unforeseen unforeseeables.

Is it just me, or does it feel like this project has been under construction forever?
I was afraid that the last two phases would be as slow as the first two, so I am very happy to see the last one not have to wait until the second to last was completed before they'd start it.

From yesterday evening. The second crane has been back up since either Monday or early yesterday, as you can see in the last of these pics:


Just a couple, taken April 10th, 2022 from Riverside Drive:


Now Zoomed a bit:

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Yesterday and today:


Construction is underway again. If I'd waited long enough, you'd seeing both cranes swinging, but you'll have to make do with echoing hammer (ASMR?) sounds.

Very short. Nearly no time wasted!

And it isn’t great, Interchange. We both attended the meeting at the church on Parklawn. This idiot developer made promises we were all ok with. They promised that they’d be sensitive to a very older established neighbourhood. Obviously, that didn’t happen! They went ahead and received a height increase, which being a neighbour and affected by their choice….I’m pissed. I wasn’t informed. I hate this ugly slab building development. Totally nasty builders who claim care of community…bullshit! Where’s our food store they were supposed to fund…gone. I’m on the tallest floor of the neighbourhood, not only have they blotted out my entire city view, they've successfully blotted out my view of the CN Tower, which I could see from base to top. Ya gotta be a total prick builder to do that. In place of the city, I’ll see an ugly slab. I knew I’d lose some view, but not all. What a closed in POS development to our community that claims “community building”. Not. I’ve written them and they only responded sending me a link to purchasing in their future developments. Arrogance!!!

The development site is not your property. It's not your decision. If you wanted to preserve your view, you should have bought that property and not built anything on it.

Toronto is growing quickly. People need places to live. High-density living is more cost-effective, sustainable, and achievable than the alternatives (suburban sprawl).

Things change, friend. Welcome to the future.
First….I’m not sure why I’m responding to you, but I will. My message was to Interchange, who lives in the hood and would understand my thoughts. You obviously know nothing about where I live. My area is in the suburbs and densely packed by low-rise older rental apartment buildings and detached houses. this so-called developer, John Vandyk, came into my neighbourhood and bought a plaza that served the needs of the community. He promised that what he showed us was true. I could have lived with it. Behind our backs, he got permission to go higher. Yes…I CHOSE to live here because of employment convenience and the fact that I needed space after living downtown for many years. I’ve lived here for decades. I don’t need a lecture from you about affordable housing. This project is not one, just so you can welcome yourself to the future.
You're not gonna find much sympathy on these forums for a 10 story building. Your "thoughts" seems pretty simple - it blocks your view and they demolished some old shops you liked. At least that's what i can tell from your comment.
First….I’m not sure why I’m responding to you, but I will. My message was to Interchange, who lives in the hood and would understand my thoughts. You obviously know nothing about where I live. My area is in the suburbs and densely packed by low-rise older rental apartment buildings and detached houses. this so-called developer, John Vandyk, came into my neighbourhood and bought a plaza that served the needs of the community. He promised that what he showed us was true. I could have lived with it. Behind our backs, he got permission to go higher. Yes…I CHOSE to live here because of employment convenience and the fact that I needed space after living downtown for many years. I’ve lived here for decades. I don’t need a lecture from you about affordable housing. This project is not one, just so you can welcome yourself to the future.

Are you seriously lamenting the loss of a decayed, dilapidated eyesore of a plaza from the 50's?
I feel sympathy for @ceaz40 in some ways, but I don't see everything the same way, exactly.

It is tough to lose views, especially if you've got a great one. They are not protected, however, as the City would simply stagnate if it promised to keep everyone's views in perpetuity. Instead, the City uses a pile of other metrics to judge whether proposals are appropriate or not. This one was deemed appropriate. Everything went through normal channels, there was no lying, there was no backroom deal to get this approved as is.

It's also tough to lose neighbourhood services, like the shops that were in the plaza. We have an operating pharmacy again, which is good, and there's a hair salon, and there is a gym (a first for the area), and the community health centre is now operating in far better premises, but we are still waiting for the food co-op to open. The operators started with the Parkdale Food Co-op at Queen and Dufferin years ago, but it has since closed, and I only ever saw them canvas this area once looking for members here. I didn't join at the time, but was planning to, but then there was delay, delay, delay, and it didn't seem prudent to join the co-op until there was at least a second canvassing to assure people that the co-op was going ahead. The place got a lot of shelving put in around a year ago, but it's been sitting unopened for ages. I figure they've been waiting for phases 2 and 3 of the condos open so that they have more potential patrons on their doorstep… I'd just like some word on it all.

