City rejects large retail development on Kromer Radio site

Published On Wed May 30 2012
Paul Moloney
Urban Affairs Reporter

A large retail development seen as a threat to Kensington Market shops has been turned down by Toronto’s committee of adjustment.

Developer RioCan had applied for eight zoning variances to put up a 20-metre-high building with small shops on the main floor and enough space on the upper two floors to house “large format” retail.

However, the committee of adjustment on Wednesday rejected RioCan’s request, calling the proposal excessive and one that should undergo greater scrutiny before anything’s approved.

Councillor Mike Layton, who represents the area, now expects the developer to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.

RioCan isn’t disclosing possible tenants. But Shamez Amlani of the Kensington Market business improvement area worries that a retailer like Walmart could be selling food, clothing and hardware.

“Though it is not a stand-alone ‘power centre,’ its impact will be the same and we feel this development will have huge negative effect on Kensington Market retailers,” Amlani told the committee.
Kromer Radio is winding down with a "Retirement Sale".

It won't be a Wal-Mart, as there are extremely few RioCan developments with a Wal-Mart in them. Wal-Mart's dancing partner is DumbCentres.
More likely Target. They've already partnered with Target at Stockyards and I would expect that Target is looking for a location right in the City.
I belive planning staff were more or less on board (I could be wrong). The guy acting for the developer at the CofA made is sound like they were. CofA turned it down saying it wasn't a minor variance so they couldn't approve it. So it wasn't the City that turned them down (in that sense), it was the CofA and they did so on techincal grounds. Generally, though, if planning staff support a development it is hard to defeat at the OMB.
Kromer Radio is winding down with a "Retirement Sale".

It won't be a Wal-Mart, as there are extremely few RioCan developments with a Wal-Mart in them. Wal-Mart's dancing partner is DumbCentres.

I've been buying from Kromer Radio since I was a teenager, it's one of the best audio/video stores downtown though there have been a couple other good one's over the years. I'm so sad to see them closing down, I still have my 6 stunning Canadian made Paradigm speakers from there that make up my home theatre sound system.
This should be 8s, red brick Ideal Lofts-style with a few modern retailers at base. Would a Target ruin the Market though? Doubtful, as it's become two markets: a Latin Market and a Yuppie Market (restaurants & bars.) The Zimmerman's of the area are just holding out for condo developers, we all know that....
"A large retail development seen as a threat to Kensington Market shops has been turned down by Toronto’s committee of adjustment."

People were concerned when Metro opened up in St Lawrence Market (they also were worried when Lobalws opened on the lakeshore). I just don't see this being competition. Kensington is a unique area of the city that is actually migrating to restaurants and food stuffs as well as unique clothes and gifts from a more traditional market. Areas change - people who go to Target or WalMart for cereal aren't the same people who would buy Le Creuset at Good Egg and then a $20 pie at Wanda's Pie in the SKy. While the rendering weren't spectacular... they are MUCH better than the current hodge podge on bathurst. We're a big city, there are lots of condo developments downtown and there is a need for large format retail...
16 September 2012: Anyone hear anything about the Beer store up the street getting redeveloped? Maybe they're relocating into this development?


City will be fighting this:

City Council authorize the City Solicitor to appear at the Ontario Municipal Board and to retain outside consultants as necessary to support the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in refusing Application No. A0968/11TEY and to oppose Site Plan Application No. 11 331262 STE 19 SA, respecting 410-446 Bathurst Street.

Hearing will be 09 Oct 2012

OMB rejects big box development plan for Kensington Market neighbourhood

Todd Aalgaard, National Post Staff | Dec 20, 2012 1:13 AM ET

A big box development planned for Toronto’s historic Kensington Market neighbourhood has been rejected at the Ontario Municipal Board.

The board on Wednesday ruled against real estate giant RioCan and upheld a decision by the city’s committee of adjustment.

After RioCan’s first grapple with the public, the committee of adjustment called the proposal excessive in scale and hasty in execution.

Councillor Mike Layton, representing ward 19, says he expects RioCan to appeal the OMB ruling. He suggested the tug-of-war between residents and developers over the issue is far from over.

“Kensington Market … is not an island,” Mark Nozkiewicz, the developer’s representative, told Gleaner Community Press after the first decision in May. “It is surrounded by mixed-use areas.” Addressing the concerns of some residents about what a Wal-Mart in their backyards could mean economically, Mr. Noskiewicz pointed to nearby development on College Street in saying that many of these concerns are unfounded.
