This would look fantastic at this location but... realistically of them approving it.are extremely slim to lack of imagination on the board.
And, from Cressy's latest newsletter:

Speak Up for Bathurst Quay

After two and a half years of hard work together, our shared plan for Bathurst Quay is on its way to City Council for endorsement! I need your help to ensure the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan is approved. We are almost ready to get moving, but first there are direct threats to our neighbourhood that we must overcome.

Our neighbourhood plan

The Neighbourhood Plan will protect Bathurst Quay and formally set in motion the steps necessary to achieve our long term goals for the neighbourhood:

1. Creating new high-quality parks and improving our existing public spaces,

2. Enhancing our community facilities including building a new public aquatic centre,

3. Re-energizing the Canada Malting Silos with a focus on arts, culture, open space, and community uses, and

4. Shifting airport traffic to public transit, walking, and cycling while relocating the remaining vehicle traffic to an underground drop-off loop.

Click here to download the report from City Planning staff.

Work toward implementing the Neighbourhood Plan is already underway, and many community members saw our update on turning the lands around the Silos into a new public space at the BQNA AGM on May 10. With approval from City Council, we will be able to start building improvements like this next spring.

Defending Bathurst Quay

Unfortunately, private interests are working behind the scenes to undo our collective work. These kinds of interests are all too familiar to waterfront residents who have fought and defeated airport expansion, Ferris wheels, monorails, and other dubious schemes to make a quick profit at the expense of our one and only waterfront.

Until City Council formally approves our shared plan for Bathurst Quay and we begin to show progress on taking back the neglected lands around the Silos for the community, these well-connected backroom interests will continue to threaten our neighbourhood. They will continue to crawl out of the woodwork, promoting schemes likes demolishing the Malting Silos and replacing them with massive condo towers, or building a giant underground parking garage beside the ferry terminal that would increase traffic through the neighbourhood and support airport growth. We have to put a stop to these proposals and take control of the future of Bathurst Quay.

You can help by writing to City Council.

Your voice is important and needs to be heard.

Please be sure to write to City Council and express your support for the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan, and encourage your neighbours to write too. Your message will be copied and delivered to all 44 members of City Council before the meeting.

You can be certain that other interests will be advocating to councillors, in public and behind closed doors, for their private schemes. So it is critically important for every councillor to see that there is deep and widespread local support for the Neighbourhood Plan. The councillors also need to be reminded that a public waterfront, open and welcoming to all Torontonians, is to the benefit of their local residents too.

You can submit your message to City Council by clicking "Submit Comments" at the top of this page: City Council will make a final decision on the Neighbourhood Plan on July 5, 2017.
The Bathurst Quay Tower should be built to be taller than Burj Khalifa, so that Toronto can take back the title of having the world's tallest freestanding structure!

It would not only be the world's tallest freestanding structure, but the world's tallest manmade structure as well!
Toronto's waterfront should be full of great patios.... but it isn't. Halifax puts TO to shame in this department. The silos would be a terrific place to introduce a district of waterfront restaurants and bars -- with patios deep enough that they get afternoon sun even though facing east. This would be a great place to dine/drink after a day at the harbour.
The Bathurst Quay Tower should be built to be taller than Burj Khalifa, so that Toronto can take back the title of having the world's tallest freestanding structure!

It would not only be the world's tallest freestanding structure, but the world's tallest manmade structure as well!

Agreed. It should be so tall that from the top we can see Montreal or Detroit on a clear day.
you would have to be nearly 7km in the air to see detroit, assuming no atmospheric pollution, due to the curvature of the earth. Even then, it would only be the tops of the skyscrapers. Doubt that's happening.

From that report:


The City Planning Division recommends that:

1. City Council endorse the vision, guiding principles and action plan as
identified in the report from the Director, Community Planning Toronto and
East York District (June 8, 2017) for the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood.
Staff report for action – Interim Report – Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan Study 4

2. City Council request the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East
York District to bring forward any necessary Official Plan Amendments to
implement the recommendations of this report at a statutory public meeting in
the fourth quarter of 2017.

3. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning
Division, in consultation with the Chief Corporate Officer, to establish an
interdivisional staff team that will work with Waterfront Toronto,
PortsToronto and Toronto Realty Agency, (successor to Build Toronto) to
prepare an Implementation and Funding Strategy for the long-term
revitalization of the Canada Malting Silos site (5 Eireann Quay) and Marina
Quay West pier as a cultural and community services hub. The strategy will
explore incorporating the conservation of the silo structures and related
administration building (designated under the Ontario Heritage Act), a shared
underground parking and transportation facility, Ireland Park, the Western
Channel dockwall, a new City aquatic facility and expanded community
centre spaces, and accessory uses, all within a framework of a long-term
sustainable financial model.

4. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City
Planning, in consultation with the Chief Corporate Officer, Waterfront
Toronto, Ports Toronto and Toronto Realty Agency (successor to Build
Toronto), to report back to Toronto and East York Community Council in the
fourth quarter of 2017 with an Implementation and Funding Strategy for near
term public realm and streetscape improvements related to the Canada
Malting Silos site and Eireann Quay.

5. City Council request the Chief Corporate Officer, with the City Solicitor and
the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, to report
back to Toronto and East York Community Council in the fourth quarter of
2017 with an update on the terms for a lease with PortsToronto for the
continued interim use of a portion of the 5 Eireann Quay lands for taxi
management and parking, including terms related to cost sharing for near
term public realm and streetscape improvements.

6. City Council request the Chief Corporate Officer, with the Chief Planner and
Executive Director, City Planning Division, to undertake a process to select
appropriate uses and occupants for the City-owned administration building on
the 5 Eireann Quay property.

7. City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to
advance plans and funding for an aquatic facility in the vicinity of the Canada
Malting Silos site as part of the Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan.

I'm glad the admin building and the adjacent taxi stand are being looked at.

Also from the report:


More promising items here. Giving the dock wall the Waterfont Promenade treatment. Re-invigorate Eireann Quay. New ped/bike connections.
Looks like a thoughtful study. Excited to see this (below) on pg 25 and 26 about how vehicle access and parking may be consolidated underground. By charging a premium for parking for airport users, they can help pay for the structure --

4A. Parking
The Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan recommends further investigation of a proposed
underground parking and transportation facility on the Canada Malting Silos site. The
facility is proposed in order to consolidate various existing surface-level transportation
infrastructure (i.e. airport parking and taxi management, community centre and school
parking, and special event parking) that are today located in various places throughout the
neighbourhood, into one shared and efficiently managed facility with controlled access.
Though a costly and complicated undertaking, the proposal would free up significant
space at grade level for new open and community-oriented spaces on the waterfront; and
further, would afford a safe, rational and centralized solution to many of the
transportation and land use demands of a busy commercial airport located beside a
growing waterfront. In tandem, planned repairs to the Marina Quay West parking garage
present an opportunity to provide additional parking supply without adding pressure to
the already congested Eireann Quay.


4C. Eireann Quay
The Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan seeks to rebalance activity on Eireann Quay by
moving the majority of airport related traffic as well as parking and service uses for the
community facilities into an underground garage. This will free up space on the surface
for widened boulevards, pedestrian amenities and new community, culture, recreation
and open space uses that will activate the street.
The Bathurst Quay Tower should be built to be taller than Burj Khalifa, so that Toronto can take back the title of having the world's tallest freestanding structure!

It would not only be the world's tallest freestanding structure, but the world's tallest manmade structure as well!

There's a taller tower than Burj Khalifa being built at this moment
From that report:

I'm glad the admin building and the adjacent taxi stand are being looked at.

Also from the report:


More promising items here. Giving the dock wall the Waterfont Promenade treatment. Re-invigorate Eireann Quay. New ped/bike connections.

I'm wondering if they will be able to fix the pinch point at "B" where the bike lane merges with pedestrians. It's an awkward and somewhat unsafe section at the moment.
