will the faux windows on the southern-most yonge street heritage facade be replaced by real windows when construction is complete? why did they do it this way?

This was discussed and debated quite extensively earlier in this thread.
I'm somewhat disappointed that there is no connection at grade between the tower lobby and the podium lobby, although the rationale for that will likely become apparent once the podium is closer to completion.
Oh, yes, I'd forgotten about that. *slaps forehead* Arguably the ramp isn't a factor towards the middle of the site, at the north end of the podium (or maybe it is), but not sure a connection there makes any sense.
It is a factor at the north end. Before the ramp dives, a new PATH level hall crosses under the ramp near the south end and will surface in the middle of the podium.


Now there's some advanced thinking! Within a week, I want every thread in the Buildings Forum addressing the question 'What Would The Dutch Do, And How Would We Mess It Up A Bit?"

what's the short answer buddy. for those of us who don't have the time to scroll through 122 pages earlier in this thread.

I was simply giving you a heads up that this had already been extensively discussed. It's up to you whether you want to go take a look or not. Not my job to summarize it for you, buddy.
I don't believe so - the bottoms of the shafts go down that far, but you still have to go up to the lobby to get to the elevators.

Except for the parking elevators - those stop at both the ground floor and concourse levels.
