johnwood failed to learn that the Rob Ford thread is the only place where you could say whatever you want and get away with it :rolleyes:

Time to update the forum rules accordingly :).

- No sexist, racist or offensive language of any kind will be allowed (except in Rob Ford thread, where we completely understand).
- Postings of a sexual nature are also prohibited, unless it's "eat at home".
- Have a good day sir.
My friend Mosko has distractions in all directions BACW. Maybe using tomorrow's weather to clean up our new gem or just stretching the new equipment?


I never realized how bland and generic the lobby of this building was until you posted that pic Salsa. Maybe it's best for them to keep those decorations up long term ;).
It's the south side of the lobby where James Turrell's Straight Flush is installed where this lobby rises quite a bit above the average.

Looking forward to Micah Lexier's art in Bay Adelaide East's lobby. In it's case, Lexier's art will be installed facing both Adelaide and Temperance Streets. No idea what it will look like when complete yet, but there are large circles on the walls there waiting for something

So much better than the West tower.

