The building currently on the corner of Yonge and Adelaide will be moved to additionelle's current location, and rotated so the current Adelaide frontage will be facing Yonge, with the Current Yonge facade facing temperance. The current location of the historic building will be replaced with the new podium depicted in the second render. (At least that's what I gathered from the PDF)
I'm curious to see what they're going to do with the historic buildings along Adelaide and Yonge at the moment. I guess this also means the Additionelle store will be torn down. I'm always curious about what is above the store in that building since it's always steaming immensely out its top and it's clear that only the main floor is useable space.

The building with the Addition Elle was built as part of the original Bay Adelaide in the late 1980's. The steam comes from the heating plant attached to the Bay Adelaide parking complex. I really doubt it is going anywhere.

Pages 2 and 3 of the PDF show the current Yonge Temperance configuration along with the new tower in the background. The buildings where the new podium will go along Adelaide and halfway up Yonge look to be toast.
The building currently on the corner of Yonge and Adelaide will be moved to additionelle's current location, and rotated so the current Adelaide frontage will be facing Yonge, with the Current Yonge facade facing temperance. The current location of the historic building will be replaced with the new podium depicted in the second render. (At least that's what I gathered from the PDF)

Wow, that's pretty complicated.

I am glad that the podium will extend to Yonge though as it will mean that section of the street will start to have more of a financial district feel.
I as well don't see Addition Elle going. That building is fairly new and redoing the heating plant would seem like a lot of work and money.
Something is at least being done to the facade go the additionelle, the building clearly has a different facade than it currently has, at least according to a render in that PDF.
Construction trailers arriving now:
I am very excited to see this one break ground and for the final phase to begin. Although not the most exciting design, the materials will be top notch, and will add density, filling in this section of the skyline quite nicely. Speaking of the final phase, any word on when that one is slated to begin?

Oh and thanks for sharing your photo raptor, greatly appreciated!
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Looks like all the construction trailers have now been moved off the street into the area on the north side of Temperance (just above where they appear on the street in the photo above).
Is anyone else surprised by the extent of alterations to the BA1 elements for the construction of BA2? I had assumed that the PATH level just had some knock-out panels that could be opened up when BA2 was ready, but instead it looks like a construction zone down there with temporary walls and plastic sheeting. It also looks like the plaza is going to be destroyed as a BA2 staging zone.

It's all very unexpected to see stuff that's only a couple of years old get destroyed for a project everyone knew was coming as soon as they could find tenants.
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I didn't expect the underground to be as disrupted as it has been, but I figured a lot of the plaza would be ripped up as they used different pavers for the east side. It is jarring tho, to suddenly see this springing to life. It's really going to help to bring the CBD a bit further east
I agree about the final phase (ba north)this project will gain so much more by having 3 towers of differing heights rather than 2.
