Walked by this a few days ago. The area that is surrounded by scaffolding in the photos above now has completed stucco. Other than that it looks pretty similar. How is it possible that this project began over 4 years ago and still isn't complete?
Definitely one of the more shambolic developments in the city with its unorganized never ending construction saga.
Here's the latest timeline from The Y:
"...we’d hoped to open your Y in October 2020. We’re expecting COVID-19 to cause a 4 to 6-month delay, pushing our projected opening date to the first quarter of 2021."
Looking good.

Finally we have some people moved in. Sadly, the never-ending construction continues. Will it ever end?
We are working on our UrbanToronto Year-End Poll for the best buildings completed in 2020.
This is one of the projects that we suspect may be complete, but would need photographic proof of that.
If anyone is in the area, photos would be very helpful!
We are working on our UrbanToronto Year-End Poll for the best buildings completed in 2020.
This is one of the projects that we suspect may be complete, but would need photographic proof of that.
If anyone is in the area, photos would be very helpful!

Well into 2021 but here's the current situation, mate.

July 10, 2021

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We are preparing our annual Best Buildings poll, and are looking for clean shots of each recently completed building to include in it to make it fair. If you are by here in the next short while, please shoot this building from across the street and post it right away!

We are preparing our annual Best Buildings poll, and are looking for clean shots of each recently completed building to include in it to make it fair. If you are by here in the next short while, please shoot this building from across the street and post it right away!


Here you go.

Photos taken December 16th, 2021.

This building is long relative to the width of the street I only got 1 pic of the entire thing in one shot, that's pic #1. Looking from the west along the north elevation.


Eastern Side - North Elevation:


Western Side - North Elevation:


Central Section - North Elevation:


West Elevation:


Streetscape - West Elevation:


Streetscape - North Elevation:



YMCA not yet open, but fit-out is well underway.

Streetscape - Nice to see trees, however, no evidence of reinforced sidewalk, relatively small openings in the sidewalk, close street adjacency, plus directly overhead wires don't leave me overly hopeful for these specimens.
Hopefully they prove me wrong!
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