I think the dog fountain is brilliant, and i'm not even a dog person! Would definitely rather a cat fountain... oh and that dogs are banned from the park. Then again, maybe it's just ignorant dog owners i have an issue with, not the dogs? Never mind, cool fountain!!

Maybe I'd appreciate the fountain more if the water was shooting out of more realistic orifices of the dogs, providing a more accurate representation of what actually takes place at city parks. Then for ultimate realism, they could add statues of owners pretending they don't see their dogs actions.
Maybe I'd appreciate the fountain more if the water was shooting out of more realistic orifices of the dogs, providing a more accurate representation of what actually takes place at city parks. Then for ultimate realism, they could add statues of owners pretending they don't see their dogs actions.

Haha, very cheeky. That would've been great. Maybe another artist can 'vandalize' one of the sculptures into it someday.
Dogs will not be banned from any part of the park. The on-leash area will have crushed gravel so that dog urine will run through, and dog poo will be easy for owners to pick up. It's just there recognizing that dogs will have to relieve themselves, and Parks & Rec wants that concentrated in one area.

Maybe Council can pass a bylaw that all dogs must wear diapers when walking around town?

That doesn't sound so bad. its actually a good idea in my mind to be honest. Keep the grassy areas for peoples uninhibited enjoyment. Give dog owners an appropriate place to take their dogs to relieve themselves. Makes sense.
Good luck trying to get a diaper on my dog
All joking aside poop does become an issue as more and more people live downtown with dogs. They need a place to go, i just don't know that Berczy Park is ideal (dog statues or no).
Dogs and parks are a big problem here. Try finding a place for your kids (as I tried over the winter) to play in the snow in St James Park. Nearly impossible due to the dogs. Yellow and brown snow everywhere. Even the school yard on the Esplanade was like that. Very irresponsible of the owners.
Is there a list anywhere of "off-leash" dog parks in the city - particularly in the downtown core? I would like to see that.
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There's nothing dog owners can do about the "yellow snow everywhere". Maybe if there were more green space we wouldn't see this issue as much. As for the brown, most owners pick-up after themselves, it's the 10% that give them such a bad reputation. As a dog owner living across from this park, I find it just as frustrating.

This park gets a lot more traffic with the new 160 unit condo across the street and will only get worse with the future L-Tower and 88 Scott (over 1,000 more units). multiply the current dog owners by at least 4.

Dogs and parks are a big problem here. Try finding a place for your kids (as I tried over the winter) to play in the snow in St James Park. Nearly impossible due to the dogs. Yellow and brown snow everywhere. Even the school yard on the Esplanade was like that. Very irresponsible of the owners.
