The fountain in Market Lane Park got water from the supply going to the North Market and it was, obviously, cut off when that was demolished. The SLNA and BIA are trying to get the fountain 'bowl' filled with plants and I have no idea why the raised bed looks like a wilderness. The staging area for the North Market construction will not be anywhere for another 6-8 months and in any case this area was not supposed to be part of it. I have contacted Pam McConnell's office, others should do so too. It DOES look dreadful!
I also noticed that the fountain behind the Ritz is not working. (the one that looks like bricks piled up) I can't understand the point of building nice things, if the city has no plan to maintain them. If we can't maintain the things we already have, why are we building more?

That fountain at Market Lane Park was a pathetic looking fountain to begin with. I won't be sad to see that fountain replaced with something more impressive but again, if it can't be maintained, why even bother? We don't need more broken fountains littering the city, so more tourists can see how little we care about our city.
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Are they also planning on redoing Market Lane Park when they (finally) get work underway on St Lawrence North Market?
It's fairly dated and would do well with at least some tlc.
There are tens of thousands of people in close proximity to Market Lane Park, and many still want to use and enjoy it. There's no excuse not to maintain it like a regular park in the meantime, except for the fountain if it got its water from the old North Market building. It's clear that the city sets aside too little money for park maintenance. Beautiful new parks end up shabby and forgettable after a decade. The obvious solution is to increase the budget, but to also establish more public-private partnerships, trusts and conservancies, and to solicit more donations.
I think neglect can be said of a few city parks in general. I assumed market park fountain was going to be replaced when the new building is completed- but perhaps not. It's a pretty nice space otherwise with the rows of trees. I think it would look great if the red tile was extended the length of the park.
