uh, empiremaker...

your boldface makes my eyes hurt...

your OT rambling makes my stomach queazy....
hey ... empire just wants to see retail in the area, you can't blame the guy for wishing (but just don't hold your breath on it, ok empire?) cheers :D
Retail is planned in the podium of Somewhere Beyond the Sea facing Lakeshore. Furthermore as the number of condo residents in the community reachs a critical mass to support retail uses the developers will follow through with more retail units in the area (not sure about that 'humanity' etc Empiremaker was suggesting - if the area can't support investment in retail, nobody in going to take a high risk endeavour and build something that isn’t economically viable on high-value land). Although I highly doubt a new shopping mall will be part of the mix – it’s more likely that retail in podiums with condos above will become a more common format in future buildings - which was lacking in the condos that were built in the first half of this decade in that area.
true enough there isn't enough retail in the area given all the new condos built or to be built in the area ... there is only limited podium retail space in Waterview 1+2, Grenadier Landing, and Waterford Towers ... however these podium spaces tend to support only small tenants such as convenience stores, dentists, and dry cleaners ... a decent sized food store wouldn't fit in these spaces

the only larger scale retail complex is the Sobeys on The Queenway, but the QEW is in the way separating it from the Humber Bay Shores neighbourhood
And I can't see many condo-dwellers tempting certain rape (well, *they'd* think so) by ped-crossing via Humber Loop...

This gives an indication of developments in the vincinity, you can figure out for yourself where the towers are on each site to figure out if views are going to be blocked or not
thx for the map, Solaris! this helps alot when there are so many projects in such a small area....:)
Haha.. you can see the strip where our townhouse stands.:p

This project still hasn't begun digging even though all demolition on the phase 1 and 2 site was completed months ago.

Menkes no longer owns that piece. It was sold to Onni Development Corp out of Vancouver.
thanks for the info :) .... sketch updated
Phase 3 approval?

hey all - am new here, thanks to Tomms. some of you do know me but i'm operating under a pseudoname for specific reasons. I'm a mimico'dian - been there for the past 12 years and watching it grow steadily. i'll be able to provide updates on this and the other construction in the area as it's my back yard essentially and drive past it all daily.

that said, i'm also involved with several community circles in the area and from time to time get some intriguing information about projects in the area. had an opportunity to speak with Mark Grimes, councillor for Ward6 Lakeshore Etobicoke on 9/5

Re: Beyond the Sea
Phase 3 still not approved... perhaps end of September.. several zoning issues.

Tenants are slowly phasing out of the plaza slated for demolition. NoCeri's will be closing their doors for good at the end of the month, with a big blowout bash while Rabba will be moving in a week or so west a few blocks. The rest will follow accordingly.

Offtopic - When queried what's on the table for Christie's across the street - originally it was believed they were closing their doors for 2012 but Grimes indicated they are NOT moving the cookie plant and they are in fact spending oodles of dollars to keep it and the developers across the street. I guess time will only tell.

hey davidTabor, do you know what's the latest on phase 3? I know they had a community meeting end of September but haven't heard anything since...
Update on Star Tower

My wife and I just received a letter from Empire regarding Star Tower.

"...In accordance with your Agreement of Purchase and sale, we are writing to advise you that we are extending the economic viability date.......Please be advised that the vendor does herby extend this aforementioned Condition for a period of Six Months, to June 30, 2009…"

I can see them possibly extending another six months when June 30th comes around, the agreement calls for a maximum of two extensions up to six months each.

Any thoughts...
My wife and I just received a letter from Empire regarding Star Tower.

"...In accordance with your Agreement of Purchase and sale, we are writing to advise you that we are extending the economic viability date.......Please be advised that the vendor does herby extend this aforementioned Condition for a period of Six Months, to June 30, 2009…"

I can see them possibly extending another six months when June 30th comes around, the agreement calls for a maximum of two extensions up to six months each.

Any thoughts...

I believe the extension here is related to the slow rezoning process underway. Can anyone confirm that?

