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I wish Primaris would pay up to extend that tunnel to Dufferin Mall. For the amount of new customers they would be able to generate, it would be well worth it for them.
Primaris could also have the tunnel be funded by having the tunnel be lined with advertising.

Yes, I find excess advertising repulsive, but it may be necessary.
Hopefully they package that into the redevelopment of the mall's northern parking lots. Having a mini-PATH along dufferin would be cool.
PATH everywhere. Having all the city’s street life and commercial activity in privately owned underground tunnels would be fantastic.

Alex, you're very negative, and it permeates your whole online/social media presence. The discussion here is on a single tunnel from Dufferin Station to Duff Mall, not stuffing "all the city's street life and commercial activity in privately owned underground tunnels."
I don't disagree at all. But the way you engage with people is often condescending and unproductive. People notice.

I find that a lot of being an "architecture critic" consists of creating straw-man arguments you can fashion sarcastic or sweeping responses against.
To be fair, columnists are paid to project contrarian views. If they presented nothing but the majority opinion, their columns would be a snooze and no one would find any reason to read them. A good columnist has to be able to present controversial opinions, thereby pushing some buttons, and take the inevitable firestorm of indignant reactions in stride. Otherwise they don't deserve the platform. Simply puy, it's not a gig for the faint of heart or for people with gentle, milquetoast approaches in expressing themselves. My .02 on the subject.

Returning to the gist of the thread, part of me is still astounded that a tower of this height will shortly be coming to the area. I remember a very different Dufferin Street from past decades. The rapid densification of this city continues unabated.
.... The rapid densification of this city continues unabated.

The Villages of Yorkville, Brockton, and others used to be "suburbs" to the Town of York.


From link.

The Brockton Village was annexed by Toronto in 1884. Guess it has caught up to the rest of the annexed neighbourhoods. See link.
Affordable housing to be built on surplus school site in west Toronto

Community council approves plan that includes eight-storey residential rental


A plan to redevelop the old Bloor Collegiate Institute using a non-profit land trust received the support of the Toronto and East York Community Council Dec. 2.

The plan means that the site at Bloor Street West and Dufferin Street will include affordable housing — in the form of an eight-storey rental residential building, with the land trust managed by Habitat for Humanity GTA and St. Clare’s Multifaith homes, and a community group called Build a Better Bloor Dufferin.

The $17-million land trust is funded by Toronto developers Capital Developments and Metropia, and $15 million of that trust will be leveraged to develop as many as 180 new affordable units; $2 million will provide additional community space.

From that…

[16] Having heard the undisputed evidence, the Tribunal orders that the appeal by Bloor Dufferin Development Limited Partnership of its proposed Official Plan Amendment is allowed, in part, and the Official Plan Amendment in the form included in Attachment 1 to this Decision is hereby approved and shall come into force immediately upon the issuance of this Decision and Order (Exhibit 7).​
[17] The Tribunal allows the appeals of the Zoning By-law Amendments, in part and approves, in principle, the revised proposal for the lands municipally known as 1141 Bloor Street West, 980 Dufferin Street and 90 Croatia Street, as illustrated in Exhibit 6, the Architectural Plans. Further, the Tribunal’s Order on the Zoning By-law Amendment is withheld pending the following conditions being satisfactorily completed, all of which are set out in Exhibit 11, being Attachment 2 to this Decision and Order.​
[18] The Decision of the Tribunal is to allow the appeal and approve, in principle, the Draft Plan of Subdivision, as illustrated in Exhibit 10 and that the Tribunal’s Order is withheld pending the following conditions being satisfactorily completed:​
a. the owner has satisfactorily completed the conditions set out in Exhibit 11;​
b. the owner will have filed a complete resubmission to the City, including updated plans, drawings, reports and studies in support of the same, which reflect the revised Zoning By-law Amendment proposal, for circulation and comment by all applicable divisions, agencies and boards, both internal and external to the City and such plans, drawings, reports and studies be in a content and form satisfactory and acceptable to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and​
c. following the circulation of the draft plan of subdivision, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the City Solicitor, have submitted the proposed draft plan of subdivision and the draft plan of subdivision conditions in acceptable form for approval by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.​
[19] That the Tribunal receive a status update from the parties six (6) months from the date of this Decision on satisfying the conditions for the Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision.​

So, what's Exhibit 11?

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