March 24th from above:

Your second-last shot has an interesting jumble of skyline elements in it - and all those concrete prows from 44(?) Charles in the foreground. I will be sad to see that building go, and am glad for everyday that the sales centre announcing condos to replace it doesn't exist yet.

If John Martins-Manteiga had eleventy-jillion dollars, he oughta buy 45 Charles as the Dominion Modern building--oh, and keep all those sound and production studios inside. Brutalism and sound/production studios go hand in hand.
Bloor Street Neighbourhood Progress, Apr. 19, 2008

The first couple of setbacks are well underway. Overall they are at work on the seventh floor.

ABOVE: The south side.

ABOVE: The north side on Hayden Street.

ABOVE: The east side.

ABOVE: What I'll call the armpit of the building.
Bloor Street Neighbourhood Progress, May 4, 2008

^If you look at the model, it appears the first setback on Hayden St. begins on the 4th floor. In reality, there is no setback until the 5th floor (which is just below the height of the parking garage next door). Whoever bought that unit on the 5th floor north west corner should invest in good security since anyone can very easily step onto their balcony from the parking garage.
Bloor Street Neighbourhood Progress, May 13, 2008

^Not exactly the nicest view for those folks who'll be overlooking the parking garage.

I spoke with a BSN worker there this morning (the crane is not working today) and he told me the final height will be 32 floors. He also explained how even if Cresford wanted to keep increasing the height it would be impossible once the building has reached street level since the lower floors were not designed for additional height/weight.

The model pictured above is 26 floors. So I wonder if they'll just be adding another additional floor to each setback...
"Not exactly the nicest view for those folks who'll be overlooking the parking garage"

I can never get over how they are actually able to sell such units on any project. And even on the taller projects, why anyone would settle for any unit lower than the 5th floor just makes me wonder. Where's the joy in living on the second floor of The Met for example? Ya, I live in a tall building with great views, I just dont happen to have a view at all. ah, I guess the price must be right...
I just bought a unit on the 3rd floor of a 20 storey building. I actually prefer being lower because I feel less like I live in filing cabinet, and it makes it practicable to use the stairs instead of the elevator. Plus its kind of nice being at the same level as all the treetops
