There is something so odd about this building that I really like it. Lots of character.
odd is good word to describe this building. but that's the only i agree with youhave with you Tewder with regards to this building!
Unfortunately, BSN is moving so slowly that pix from a month ago won't look much different from today's.

I went by today with camera in hand, but as you can see from the above pic there really hasn't been much change. Plus, it was so dreary out I wasn't compelled to take any pics.
Just noticed...

Did anyone else notice the design of the building closer to the side of the parking garage?

I find it comforting to know that there are some developers out there who understand that the landscape of the city is constantly changing, and that very likely someday in the future there may be a taller building beside BSN, instead of that parking garage.

See this photo from the Casa thread:
I find it comforting to know that there are some developers out there who understand that the landscape of the city is constantly changing, and that very likely someday in the future there may be a taller building beside BSN, instead of that parking garage.

It's planning policy.
Shaping up.

Going to be in the Yonge/Bloor area tomorrow...hoping to take some pictures. Be on the lookout!
The only major change in BSN is that all the forms have been removed from the roof. Maybe the workers spend 6 hours a day on CASA then walk across the street and spend a couple of hours on BSN. Just a thought.
Since we all agree CASA/Murano/Spire are gorgeous, why don't developers just knock a few hundred of these buildings off, but change the cladding? That way, they could save money by using the same forms (keep each floor identical, keep options to minimum, etc.)
urbandreamer, you really should consider doing stand-up. You have such a clever and funny way of looking at things!:)
The lighting was magical last night, but unfortunately I couldn't quite capture it. Is anyone photoshop saavy?


...and there are workers here every day. Progress is being made.
^It looks rather ridiculous from that angle.

Here are a few more from today. Workers were installing windows and working inside some of the units.

