For those who don't like the look of BSN then I hope you don't have a unit facing north in Casa because then you would be looking at the building all the time, when you get up, while eating breakfast, while having drinks in the evening, when watching tv etc...haha. For me, I really don't mind how BSN is coming together- I don't absolutely love it, nor do I hate it, I just preferred the layouts of BSN over Casa.

I however will be facing south so I will get to see Casa, and I'll admit they have done a really nice job with it thus far. So now who is the real winner? lol
I don't mind the spandrels, but we'll see when it's all done. What I really don't like are the square, horizontal pre-cast replacements on the tower portion below the windows.

those 'square, horizontal pre-casast replacements' you are refering to ARE in fact just beige coloured spandrel panels ~
those 'square, horizontal pre-casast replacements' you are refering to ARE in fact just beige coloured spandrel panels ~

Indeed. That's what I meant by "horizontal pre-cast replacements", there are also the green spandrels around the windows on the tower portion which is why I tried to make that clear, but I guess I failed :rolleyes:
May 13th Update

The progress on the tower is moving quickly.

Isn't Charles Street beautiful?

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

its amazing how the city is transformed by all the greenery! great capture of the vibe of this neighbourhood DT, and yes Charles St is beautiful.
Don't pardon the crappy cellphone pic - it's all this building deserves:


The cladding on the tower is working even less for me. I suppose how they treat the balconies will really make or break what I think already looks cheap.


I think I'm going to have to do a 180 on this one, now that the full effect of the wall treatment is evident.
Bit of a shame because I thought it was an OK 'faux' art-deco building and the pre-cast does have an interesting effect going on.
But the green & beige colored spandrel panels clearly don't mesh well with each other. It should of been one or the other.
And what's with the east & west walls of the northern portion of the low rise element.
Very Niagara Hilton expansion like and no one likes that monstrosity.

well at least out of casaguy's photo one can argue that the green spandrel panels 'sort of' match the colour of reflections in the Xerox Building
May 22nd

From Hayden & Church

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Am I weird for admitting I kind of like this building? I think the spandrel/glass really saves it, and walking by the site, it has a really powerful impact with its slim height rising up. So it's no beauty like its neighbours (Casa and X), but it isn't terrible like ROCP.

What the area really needs: a couple dozen or so new towers between the 1 Bloor site and X.
