Bloor Street Neighbourhood Progress Aug 10, 2007

Was walking by today... Looks like they're making some real progress. It appears they're almost finished covering the lowest parking level.







What the hell? Did some vagrant from Sanctuary fall in and they've just decided to work around him?


Oh right. Unions.

^That's called "break time!" Ever had a job that involves working outside in the hot sun lifting heavy objects? Try it you might sympathize with the lad. Btw, I shall begin photographing office workers to see if they're operating at maximum efficiency.

I know it's a public job--but is that fair posting such a photo? What if that was my brother? (Or myself--if my gambling continues to suck I may find myself back on a job site soon:( )
Great photos, this is really moving along quickly now. Whenever I walk by Casa or BSN I can't see into the site because of all the hoarding they have up so it's great to see these progress shots.
Thanks casaguy - I'm now very hopeful that they will have constructed the second lowest parking level by this time next year.

Casa, on the other hand, is forging ahead at a very reasonable pace. I have a very good looksee every day and I am very encouraged by the way they seem to do something constructive each and every day as opposed to BSN which appears to just drift through it's construction.
Looks like they've added some extra floors to the model in the sales office. The agent there said they are 95% sold and do not have any renderings with the additional floors.


Hmmm, what a strange creature this project has become. 95% sold, the design has changed during sales, seeking minor variance to go from 26 to 35 floors... how in the world are they managing this project with the buyers?! This must be a nightmare at the sales end.
Maybe all the buyers are "investors" looking to rent out their units? Maybe some people just like buying crap---which home furnishings shops will they frequent? Upcountry? the Brick? (Most likely.)

But, it's a go so I'll stop ranting.
Maybe all the buyers are "investors" looking to rent out their units? Maybe some people just like buying crap---which home furnishings shops will they frequent? Upcountry? the Brick? (Most likely.)

But, it's a go so I'll stop ranting.

Certainly there is an investor component, but to all those who purchased to live in BSN the long delays and other points in my previous post have to have affected many purchasers adversely.

Perhaps I'm in the minority but I never gave a great deal of thought to the architecture of the condos I have bought in the past (which in retrospect is ironic). I bought based on 5 key factors: location, price, layout, (1100 sq. ft +, room sizes/designs with no crazy angles), balcony size and 9 foot ceilings. The outside of the building + retail, landscaping etc. were never considerations.
I have a friend in construction (P.Eng) and he begins work there next month so this site is about to become active

Hey... was hoping you'd be able to pass on some inside info.... ?

Does your friend still work on this project? Does it still only have the 5 or so guys working on it? One of these threads talks about a labour shortage right now with all of the construction going on... can your construction worker friend shed any insight?
Sorry casaguy my buddy has moved from BSN onto two different projects since that post. On a positive note it looks like BSN and Casa are moving at a very decent pace with no problems like underground rivers to contend with. If your feeling a little anxious about Casa moving too slow, take a walk over to the Murano site. That should cheer you up!
BSN Construction Progress Sept 2, 2007

Onwards and upwards...

You can clearly see the ramp leading down to the lowest parking level. I guess there are only 3 levels of underground parking. (Although the hole seemed much deeper way back when...)








What's the level that's paved in shades of grey going to be? It looks lovely -there's something delightfully Golden Section about the handsome proportions.
