There has been no work taking place on the balconies for months and you would think work would be near completion by now.

It looks like there still missing precast panels for some of the balconies also.

There have been crews working on site every time I gone by it with crews taking in drywall materiel as well.

If there is a shortage of funds, better use what you have on the inside than outside so you can get your buyers in first to finish the outside.
If there is a shortage of funds, better use what you have on the inside than outside so you can get your buyers in first to finish the outside.

If this is the case, I doubt the building would pass code and would be refused occupancy permits.
Nice work Mike! Love the shot :)

*** BSN looks really fat for some reason... IT TAKES UP TOO MUCH SPACE IN THE SHOT!!! lol

IMO BSN doesn't look good from that angle... But it's still a REALLY good shot!

thanks for the update!
October 1 2009 update

BSN the same as ever ~
Click to Enlarge Image

North Elevation
Click to Enlarge Image
North Elevation
Click to Enlarge Image

I actually don't mind this northern face if it were a low-rise that ended before the tower attachment. I like the 3 minimal setbacks.

Everything else has just gone terribly wrong... especially the first few floors of the southern-most face that creeps out to Charles St.
Any updates on this building?

There are still crews onsite presumably working inside. There's very little difference on the outside except for some brickwork in the courtyard. That's all that I've noticed.
I could be wrong but I don't remember that line of wood in the windows on the south side (first photo), I could have sworn that windows were already installed there. In the second photo the west facing side of the mechanical room now has plywood or something instead of the panels like the east side. No progress at all now with the outside of the building in the past two months. Something is definitely wrong here.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

^ I go by there every morning after the school bus picks up my kids and they're doing very little to the exterior of the building but on many days I have seen truckloads of drywall and insulation being delivered as recently as last week.
They removed the first of two hoist elevators. That is why there is plywood over those windows. I had a chance to step inside a couple weeks ago and they are moving ahead on the interior finishes. Got to see a completed unit as well. I hear the balconies should be going soon...we will see...
