It appears to be a humorous emulation of a NYC apartment in Manhattan, seen from anywhere other than from a street level.
Who's fault is this building? Greedy developer? Apathetic buying public? Disfunctional city planning dep't? I want answers.
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IMO greedy developer ... which in fact started with a good looking terracing 16 storey design, until they slowly deformed and morphed BSN into the current 32 storey beast

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Much of the entrance is nearing completion. Something that Casa missed out on is a drop off area, the street is often blocked by cabs, courier trucks and other vehicles parked out front leaving a precariously small area for vehicles to navigate past or they pull up on the sidewalk blocking it from pedestrians.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

So people stop in the garage entrance to rummage around in their trunk? Yowza.

Despite all the delays and problems, and it's mostly the tower part that's the most hideous IMO. They are doing a pretty nice job finishing this thing off with some nice landscaping. I think the archway is very nice, and I saw the lobby area shown in the's very very small compared to CASA but very nice, the picture doesn't do it justice...I actually think it looks overy "busy" in the pic.
Some very nice use of outdoor space.



The entrance and landscaping is looking very, very good. Kudos to the designer for this.
Well, it looks very Toronto beige'n brown'n black. Lower middle class.

That parking lot behind the Y? I give it 5 years before there's a proposed 50s tower for the site. The Y building itself will be gone within a decade, imho, replaced by the parking lots' twin.
A 50 storey tower on Hayden would have a tough time getting passed but not nearly as tough as getting Canada Post to sell the lot. M'thinks, that surface lot will be one of the last to go in the downtown area ... 15 to 20 years not including any major real estate corrections.
Those plastic potted plants aren't cheap. The smaller bushes retail for like $200+.... if they are lower middle class, they just went in to debt.
BSN continues to impress! By the way, to urbandreamers comment, I don't think that many lower middle class people can actually afford to live in that area unless they are just renters. I guarantee you that most people who bought a unit at BSN are not lower middle class. I would know this because I actually am a proud owner!
