Senior Member
Bloor looks great, they really did do a top job.
If it is indeed so difficult to grow trees In the center of a city then how come Paris is full of tree lined streets and boulevards. They have pollution, they have a lot of construction....I don't get it
There should be more bike locks, i agree. But there should also be more people that slash the tires of bikes locked to trees. Also hate when they take up a full lane of traffic, hit a red light, dismount and proceed to walk their bike across the red light....those cyclists should be charged with running a red light instead of jaywalking. All in the name of being "carbon neutral".
In terms of the issue of locking bikes to trees, I agree it shouldn't be done because it may damage the tree or encourage thieves to chop the tree for the bike, but if you've cycled a half hour or more to a meeting or other sort of obligation and there's no other option for where to leave it, what are you going to do? Go home?
if the meeting is so important, there are 4 options: A) make sure in advance the location has adequate bicycle locks OTHERWISE: B) Subway C) Walk D) drive/taxiIn terms of the issue of locking bikes to trees, I agree it shouldn't be done because it may damage the tree or encourage thieves to chop the tree for the bike, but if you've cycled a half hour or more to a meeting or other sort of obligation and there's no other option for where to leave it, what are you going to do? Go home?
You are either a vehicle or a pedestrian. If you want the same rights as a driver then you should follow the same rules a driver is forced to follow. You cant carry your motorcycle across a red light but you can do so with a bike?As for people walking with a bike against a red light at an intersection, that isn't any more serious than jaywalking. It's an exponent of the versatility of the bicycle, a vehicle that may be walked on the sidewalk through a street festival or when the roadway is closed because of an accident. Going against a red light is open to criticism, but jaywalking is jaywalking.
if the meeting is so important, there are 4 options: A) make sure in advance the location has adequate bicycle locks OTHERWISE: B) Subway C) Walk D) drive/taxi
I don't care if you are late to hand obama the missile codes, theres no justifying locking your bike to a tree
People with bikes should be provided with a lot more infrastructure than they are currently given. There should be bike posts on every block.
if the meeting is so important, there are 4 options: A) make sure in advance the location has adequate bicycle locks OTHERWISE: B) Subway C) Walk D) drive/taxi
I don't care if you are late to hand obama the missile codes, theres no justifying locking your bike to a tree
One can't deny the basic characteristics of a bicycle, one of which is how seamlessly you can change between vehicular and pedestrian spaces both in physical and legal terms. To a cyclist, the hard lines of division between pedestrian and vehicular spaces are blurred not by some philosophy, but by the nature of the bicycle itself. You can travel fairly quickly on roads as a vehicle, and you walk it through narrow spaces for pedestrians without compromising anyone's safety. So while you can be either a vehicle on the road or a pedestrian on the sidewalk, the change between the two is not only an obvious possibility, but one that is instant and ordinary. As for special privileges for those who don't pollute as much or in the case of bicycles not at all, bring them on if you cleaner air and less congestion. That's not to say the right to cross the street at red lights, but scrambles, contraflow bike lanes, tax breaks for TTC riders, HOV lanes, and the like. Reward the better ways, and don't make people feel guilty or overprivileged for not suffocating in the heat and pollution of a street or highway congested with cars.You are either a vehicle or a pedestrian. If you want the same rights as a driver then you should follow the same rules a driver is forced to follow. You cant carry your motorcycle across a red light but you can do so with a bike?
You shouldnt be provided with special rights just because you dont pollute as much...