I would trade every building currently under construction for the full burial of hydro wires and a massive street tree programme.

I am not sure about every building, but a select number..That said, I was recently at a Roncesvalles Revitalization meeting and someone brought up the same point about planting hundreds of trees and burying the hydro wires- Gord Perks explained essentially that:

...the problem is first and foremost about money or lack there of. To add to this problem the utilities (Bell, Rogers, Telus, Hydro) that run underneath the sidewalks where trees would/could/should go, are unwilling to do anything, or pay for any moving of their cables etc., stating that it is the city's responsibility if they wish to make changes to the street. Furthermore, a single tree needs approximately 35 cubic metres of earth to live a healthy life and not die 2-4 years after being planted. That is a large chunk of earth and means a lot of stuff needs to be moved.

The part I find so ridiculous is that the city doesn't have an actual detailed plan when it comes to burying wires, cables, pipes etc. in the first place, leaving it almost entirely up to the utility companies to configure the placement of their respective pipes etc.- in fairness, the city does have a general plan laying out general areas, but beyond that..nothing!

Why the city doesn't mandate that utilities build and put their infrastructure into concrete access corridors which run underneath the street and not the sidewalk, and which have access panels in the sidewalk or street is beyond me. This would make for fewer headaches, allow us to plant more trees, essentially bury the wires and make repairs less costly and stop fucking up the sidewalk every few weeks. I don't see why the city has to stand for it.

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That's what they'll have to do eventually, mandate the utilities to be buried. In the long term, the costs should be minimal, unless the City is forced to pay for it all. Perhaps a petition is in order.
These electronic boards were being delivered to various locations by the red truck. This one is at Yonge & Bloor. I didn't hear about these, anybody know what they're for.

Why do you think they are "electronic" ...

All they are is place that people can post pieces of paper ... In at atempt to help keep them off lampposts ... it won't work.

Speeking of which ... a lot of the new bus shelters (you can tell because the roof is dotted) have shown up on the east side i.e. east of Jarvis. Around regent park there are quite a few actually.
Yeah, I don't think those are electronic.

What they are going to be is a nuisance to people because they are just in the way.

I hate this city, the pedestrian never comes first. This is a prime example of that. Put this damn thing on the road and let the cars drive around it. That should help solve the problem of people posting stuff too.
uh huh ...

It's people who post the information for others to see ... not cars. How is that not putting the pedestrian first.

I've seen these already in other neighborhoods ... they won't really get in the way.
Why the heck are they putting it on Yonge? Yonge Street is one the least community feeling street in Toronto. I would think that it would also get in the way of pedestrians. Those sidewalks can get very busy sometimes.
The side walk will be huge there after they finished the project.
Not on Yonge... where this appears to be...

I'll be all for these if they take out a lane of traffic on Yonge and give it to the people.
That chain link fence should be removed though!
Those boards are to let you know when the suicide booths are available. How would you know otherwise?
Ugh, the new street furniture is atrocious looking. It's cheap and gaudy, and looks like it was designed by Fisher-Price.
