Bird's eye view:

Are there more streetlights planned? I can see 2 on that entire stretch of Bloor (southside). Doesn't seem right.
Are there more streetlights planned? I can see 2 on that entire stretch of Bloor (southside). Doesn't seem right.

It's not really that long an area that photo covers, perhaps 400-500 feet? Within that shot there are two on the north and two on the south and they are staggered. I walk this area at night and the lighting is more than sufficient, no need for concern.
It seems that the Yonge+Bloor diagnonal crossing pedestrian signals are partially up!!!

PS. This topic is not a "Toronto Issue" and should definitely be placed in the "Transportation and Infrastructure" section as it is an infrastructure project. I know it could also go in the Neighbourhoods thread, but this isn't just a discussion, it is a PROJECT.
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It seems that the Yonge+Bloor diagnonal crossing pedestrian signals are partially up!!!

Here are the scramble signals covered in burlap on the north east and west corners

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.


Most work is complete on the sidewalks between Church & Yonge, except the N/W corner of Church & Bloor. Small details plus tree plantings and landscaping yet to be completed. Once the landscaping and trees are in it will look dramatically better than it does now.

North side

South side (how did those weeds grow so quickly in a few of those planters?!)

This morning, I noticed that they removed the plywood covers for the tree planting spaces (I assume that's where the trees will go) and fenced them off on the north side of Bloor and Church. I wonder if the trees are arriving soon.
They've installed some granite covers for the tree pits. I really hope this doesn't end up keeping too much water away from the trees. Without water, no matter how good of a root system they've put in, the trees will still die.
I could stand to be corrected

I could stand to be corrected 299.

But I'm pretty sure that all the tree pits are auto-irrigated.

That was part of the $20,000,000 tab!

Assuming that is the case, there is no issue regarding moisture.

There is a question of nutrient base in the soil......

But let's not get all pessimistic!

Sept 2

Once the work at the intersection is finish, no more construction until 2010 with the exception of the tree planters and planting to the east.







Oh wow look at that. Looks like they're getting ready to put in the scramble crossing here.

I also posted two pictures above of the scramble crossing signals covered in burlap on Sept. 1st :)

It's a shame that the granite work ends just west of Yonge, I was hoping they'd make it to Bay Street before winter.
Anyone know when the scramble crossing starts up?

When I took the photos of the two scramble crossing lights on the N/E & N/W corners, there were none yet on the S/W or S/E corner. They could be installed by now in fact one of the photos above kind of looks like the S/E corner has one, but it's hard to tell. If I'm by tomorrow I'll look. After that I presume they just have to paint the intersection (which is a mess), install the hardware/software (if it's not already done) and activate it.
It should be ready by around Christmas :rolleyes:
The Bloor-Yorkville BIA wanted to have construction work limited during TIFF, which is a reason why there was the rush to get the section east of Yonge significantly completed.

They pretty much worked through last winter, so there's no reason to believe that work won't ramp up again once the festival is over.

As for the scramble lights, I think only the southwest corner is missing the signal now.
