Re: bloor street revitalization

This is what was proposed for Bloor:

Re: bloor street revitalization

It looks perfectly inviting to me. I thought most of downtown Chicago was wonderfully landscaped, and the art work and street furniture was appropriate and not at all over the top. Maybe we could put up a comparison photo with some of Toronto's shopping streets?
Re: bloor street revitalization

The crowd looks pretty middle class to me (but why nit-pik when you can summarily dismiss all those who walk on sidewalks in certain retail areas as "rich shoppers" who have no aesthetic taste).
Re: bloor street revitalization

Yes, that photo is a perfect example of the kind of thing I mean.
Re: bloor street revitalization

Why would we want to discourage shade, and flowers, and water to mask traffic noise?
Re: bloor street revitalization

Planters as skateboards - a little bit more imaginative. But Malvern still gets diddly-squat.
Re: bloor street revitalization

So are you going to move homeless people into your Riverdale home because it's unfair for you to be housed in an ever appreciating home and they have nothing?
Re: bloor street revitalization

If the trees are actually able to grow to that size, it would be gorgeous. Since that hasn't happened anywhere else in the city, I'll believe it when I see it. Maybe they can manicure them like the trees along the Champs in Paris.
Re: bloor street revitalization

Malvern Malvern, get over it building babel .You have no friggin clue how things work do you.
Re: bloor street revitalization

yeah, bloor is only getting a makeover because the people on there are paying for it. Does malvern want to pay? didn't think so.

...only problem I see is the lack of bike lanes (and the removal of the bike posts)
I would also emphasis the comment that whatever you think of the design elements in those Chicago pictures, at least their trees look healthier.
Yeah, those Chicago settings looks like they were transposed from Markville or something. Malling the city, really...
That pic looks good... Bloor needs a spruce up. Malvern can wait.
Yeah, those Chicago settings looks like they were transposed from Markville or something.

It ain't Markville until you put the bubbling creek down the middle of the sidewalk... and the fake palm trees.
I'm looking forward to the new bike lanes. I just hope they keep them free of ignorant drivers so that cyclists can actually use them (what a novel idea!).
