There were no turns during "rush hours" but this is good news that there will be no turns at any time now.
Have the diagonal scramble crossings been painted on the intersection yet?

You mean prior to construction, right? Because until today, it was "no lefts at all, and no rights on red" for months.

No, they haven't painted the diagonal scramble crossings yet - when they repaved recently they just did the horizontal ones. Hopefully soon!
You mean prior to construction, right? Because until today, it was "no lefts at all, and no rights on red" for months.

No, they haven't painted the diagonal scramble crossings yet - when they repaved recently they just did the horizontal ones. Hopefully soon!

I don't think there have been left hand turns for years (decades?) however during rush hours there are (or were) flip signs that changed at specified times indicating no right turns.
I'll have to check it out first hand, but the "revitalization" of Bloor looks pretty piss poor.

Not even 1/10th of the Magnificent Mile, which was built over a century ago.

The sidewalk is nice although it scares me to have spent so much on something that tends to turn to asphalt quickly in this city. It would have made more sense to me to use normal concrete sidewalks tinted or treated the way they wanted to see them and use the money saved on streetscape improvements that aren't at risk of becoming asphalt such as lampposts, artwork, and benches.
Sorry if this has been asked and answered already:

The last time I was at Yonge/Bloor the new sidewalks didn't go all the way up to the buildings. Was that just temporary or has that now been taken care of?
I'll have to check it out first hand, but the "revitalization" of Bloor looks pretty piss poor.

Not even 1/10th of the Magnificent Mile, which was built over a century ago.


nobody ever said bloor was, is, or is going to be, the magnificent mile. to deny that the revitalization is not an improvement of what bloor used to be is foolish.

oh, and maybe we all should WAIT until the product is finished. wait until the construction equipment vacates the area. wait until the work has reached avenue road. wait until the planters are full of plants. wait until the public art is installed. wait until the scramble is in. wait until one bloor becomes something other than a sandpit. and wait until all of the hoarding from condo developments is removed.
yes. we should wait. chicago and new york didn't become great cities over the same amount of time it will take the bloor street revitalization to finish.

i'm just saying, don't criticize an unfinished product and don't compare it to unrelated projects.

for example, it's unfair to compare our public spaces like university avenue to paris' champs-d'elysees. sure paris' public spaces are bigger and more beautiful...but they were also conceived and constructed under tyrannical monarchs. every space must be judged based on its aesthetics as well as its political and historical context. and considering this is toronto, we should be happy this project was even realized.
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Sorry if this has been asked and answered already:

The last time I was at Yonge/Bloor the new sidewalks didn't go all the way up to the buildings. Was that just temporary or has that now been taken care of?

I think that some of the granite areas against the buildings are complete and other areas incomplete. It appears (IMO) that some buildings will retain the sidewalk treatments immediately in front of their building, presumably to their property line.

North side of Bloor Street (west to east):

1 Bloor W. -

1 Bloor E./HBC/Marriott Hotel entrance -

Crown Life Building/Invesco (Bloor & Park Rd.) -

South Side (west to east):

Stolleries -

1 Bloor E. -

In front of The Spotted Dick -

Xerox Building -

89 Bloor E. condos -

Canwest -

The final 'scramble' pedestrian light was installed in front of Strollery's today, and with it, 'no turning' signs to the traffic lights. Greens are now arrows.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks for posting the photo - and my bad - the straight-only / no-right-turns-on-red signs are still flip (for now?).
Thanks for posting the photo - and my bad - the straight-only / no-right-turns-on-red signs are still flip (for now?).

No worries, they're very easy to miss. My guess is that they'll eventually discontinue right hand turns here, but who knows.
