• Thread starter superdeduperawesome
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4 Feb 2010: The building came into my view sort of unexpectedly (I tend to forget about some projects that don't interest me that much) and with the sunshine, I thought it actually looked quite decent.


I really like this building and location a lot! I wish i would have bought a few years back when prices were affordable.
Looks surprisingly good, much better than I would've expected based on the renderings. The much-maligned rear of the mid-rise looks good here too. Thanks for the pics.
sweeet shots ^^^

Great shots you got there! Boutique looks sweet! great streetwall goin there! :D

The Ritz steel looks great too!
I really like the Nelson St. elevation of this project, it looks like a modern interpretation of an old industrial factory. The red brick accenting (which I wish had been used more throughout the project) gives off a vaguely Dutch feel as well.
Great updates today, Red Mars!.....Boutique is some of the best infill we have gotten in the current boom, imo.....this shot is a gem.....

Does anyone know what retail is going in on the first floor? I'm considering a unit on the 2nd floor on the north side. Would you recommend buying a unit on the 2nd floor?
personally I never understood who would buy low floor units in any of these projects. I'd like to be atleast on the 10th floor in any building... I've liked this building ever since we got pictures of the model. For whatever reason i thinK its been off a lot of people's radar. Its turning out fantastic and will make a nice neighbour for Shangi-La.
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personally I never understood who would buy low floor units in any of these projects. I'd like to be atleast on the 10th floor in any building... I've liked this building ever since we got pictures of the model. For whatever reason i thin its been off a lot of people's radar. Its turning out fantastic and will make a nice neighbour for Shangi-La.

Lack of funds and fear of height are 2 things that come to mind.

Faster to get in and out of the building in-case of fire or to work.
The one nitpick about this project is the overuse of grey in the cladding.

I love the staqgered balconies but they could have gone with a different colour or used a combination of them. Looking at Festival Tower, I love how they are using white, brown and whitish looking balconies on the exterior. Come to think of it, this is my one main complaint with CrystalBlu too. Too much grey.

Looks drabby on cloudy days.
Does anyone know what retail is going in on the first floor? I'm considering a unit on the 2nd floor on the north side. Would you recommend buying a unit on the 2nd floor?

Don't know what retail will be like below, but you're going to be opposite another tower in the future as something's going up opposite your unit. I used to live on the 6th floor in my previous building and it got annoying hearing all the drunk fools walking around screaming throughout the night. It didn't happen every day, but happened quite often. You're smack dab in the club district so imagine you'll be hearing a bunch of idiots hooting and hollering. Just keep that in mind.

I also like the way Boutique has turned out, I don't mind the grey cladding but I wish the brick was a little less "orange-red" and a little more "burgundy-red". I guess in time, the color could change to a more subtle red.

Friend of mine looked at a few units and said that he was really disappointed with the finishes. Maybe his expectations wre too high..from the few interior pics I've seen, the finishes seem decent. The units all seem to be dark though.l
Friend of mine looked at a few units and said that he was really disappointed with the finishes. Maybe his expectations wre too high..from the few interior pics I've seen, the finishes seem decent. The units all seem to be dark though.l

I visited a unit on the 4th floor of 21 Nelson and was also quite disappointed with the finishes. Reminded me a bit too much of some of the low-end CP units. And being south-facing, it looked straight at the air conditioners/roof of the strip mall thingy to the south (I guess the one with Burrito Boyz) - not very pretty either.

i was also disappointed mainly by the mainly entrance. Not sure if it's temporary or not, but the single opaque main entrance door is just not acceptable, IMO. i walked past before thinking it was a backdoor to a kitchen or something. Also, the hallways are ridiculously long.

I mean, this building is technically right next to the super-luxurious Shangri-La, so i was expecting something more classy in terms of styling...and what a dramatic difference between the two developments..
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