I talked to local Ward 7/8 Brampton Councillor Rod Power about this development. He likes the design but thinks it's too tall and would cut it by 10 floors.
I tried to convince him this is one of the few spots it could be pulled off with few homes nearby and it could become a defining landmark of the city similar to Mississauga and the Marolyn Monroe Towers.
I like the renderings but also doubtful it will look anything like that. I really hope they don't get forced to cut down the 65 storeys. These towers at their location would redefine the city.
There's no houses near the development to fight against it. Just other towers in the park.
I talked to local Ward 7/8 Brampton Councillor Rod Power about this development. He likes the design but thinks it's too tall and would cut it by 10 floors.
I tried to convince him this is one of the few spots it could be pulled off with few homes nearby and it could become a defining landmark of the city similar to Mississauga and the Marolyn Monroe Towers.

I would be fine w/the height, I suppose, provided the city secured the rendered version of the Essence towers, and got the other raised to a comparable quality; and resolved issues around how to create a better public realm at street level.

I'm not the fan that some here of extreme height in residential, as we've seen the issues that occur with elevator breakdowns, waterpump failures and we know of the firefighting and evacuation challenges. I'd prefer to see a bit more pragmatism.

Be that as it may, if we are going to build to these sorts of heights, this is a logical spot; but given that the proponent is asking for a vast upzoning we ought to have a vast public benefit.
I like the height, and I like the renders too. I'll be surprised if Brampton gets such nice towers though, and the suburbs love to cut down on heights even when it's not necessary.
City Agrees that unlimited density belongs in this area.

