It's crazy how Algoma started with under 100 students when the 2k Ryerson cybersecurity university was cancelled by Ford in 2018.

Brampton City council kept using the phrase "Brampton needs a University" even after the UofGH fall out drama last October. Even as Algoma surpassed the original cancelled Ryerson plans and then doubled again in 12 months to 5k, the Mayor continued to deny Brampton had a growing university and the hunt was still on after last election.

The vibe has already changed in downtown tbrampton. More students hanging out and passing through Garden Square, feels slightly less of a ghost town. Algoma spaces have overtaken both sides of Garden Square with CIBC, Dominion building. I wouldn't be surprised if they scale to 10k in a 3-4 years at this rate.

The CFI makes sense with this growth, it's a shame that even just a few months ago, the city never properly recognized the potential they had with Algoma as they kept seeking other dance partners and ignored their existence at press conferences.

Algoma stepping up to be the anchor tenant on the CFI seems like an appropriate happy ending for residents.
5000 students is the size of its entire Sault Ste. Marie main campus. That’s nothing to sneeze at. If it gets any bigger, Brampton will end up becoming the largest campus, though all the student life stuff like athletics will so far be located in SSM. Hopefully there’s plans to bring a proper campus life too.

TMU will have the med school, though that’s only a few hundred students at most (though it will be very faculty intensive). Algoma is the sleeper success.
New renderings from the expression of interest presented at Wednesday's council:
Presentation - Centre for Innovation - Expression of Interest-3.jpg

Presentation - Centre for Innovation - Expression of Interest-6.jpg

Presentation - Centre for Innovation - Expression of Interest-16.jpg

Presentation - Centre for Innovation - Expression of Interest-11.jpg

Presentation - Centre for Innovation - Expression of Interest-9.jpg

Presentation - Centre for Innovation - Expression of Interest-10.jpg

Future expansion is also contemplated which could effectively double the floor space from the current design:
Presentation - Centre for Innovation - Expression of Interest-12.jpg

To this:
Presentation - Centre for Innovation - Expression of Interest-15.jpg
I have been told from sources within the City that Rogers is moving forward to become an anchor tenant for the CFI. Last year plans were announced for them to relocate to the Brampton GO station parking lot (similar to the cancelled 2018 TMU Cybersecurity campus plan). That has now changed and they are in the process of moving their HQ from 8200 Dixie to the CFI.

There is still a possibility of additional tenants as they have scalability for the site depending on the interest. Nothing has been made publicly official to date, just some behind the scenes workings I'm sharing.
I have been told from sources within the City that Rogers is moving forward to become an anchor tenant for the CFI. Last year plans were announced for them to relocate to the Brampton GO station parking lot (similar to the cancelled 2018 TMU Cybersecurity campus plan). That has now changed and they are in the process of moving their HQ from 8200 Dixie to the CFI.

There is still a possibility of additional tenants as they have scalability for the site depending on the interest. Nothing has been made publicly official to date, just some behind the scenes workings I'm sharing.

Would this still allow for the library component to go ahead? The last thing Brampton needs is to lose out on even more library space.
Would this still allow for the library component to go ahead? The last thing Brampton needs is to lose out on even more library space.
That was the understanding in my discussion with staff. The city earmarked close to $100M for the CFI with library on bottom podium and private sector partners occupying the tower.
