Leaves me wondering the meaning of" And dense" in his location bar.

Personally, I think it's cute and fitting for the decorative white exoskeleton.
This is just a square box but somehow it just "works" . This is one of those buildings that would look so bland on paper but rather hip when it's all said and done.

I'm not exactly sure why I like it but I do really like it.
The Brant Park is the epitome of simple elegance. The precast frame provides a pleasing rhythm that's more difficult to achieve in an all-glass frontage, introducing a disciplined design that remains minimalist and uncluttered. The stepped back glass walls of the top two storeys acknowledge the sky and the angular plane the City is looking for, while the continuation of the frame asserts the fundamental strength of the design by showing how adaptable it is to the required step-back. Neat and sweet.

Classy and elegant, I love it. Now if we could get some brick versions...


Clissold Quarter, London


Whitechapel Square, London


Whitechapel Square, London

... that'd be just lovely.
A lot of the units here are listed on realtor.ca with photos, so you can explore the interiors.
It turned out very well, but just wait until all that brilliant white is covered in grime and pigeon shit.
