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Apr 24, 2007
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A friend told me today that he heard that the building that houses Jilly's, at the corner of Queen & Broadview, had been bought by the owners of the Drake Hotel, presumably to do something similar in the east end. i know this rumour was floating around a couple of times in the last couple of years so can anyone confirm whether or not it is true?
I read last summer in a neighborhood newspaper that the owners of Jilly's renewed their lease with the building owners for another 5 years. Jilly's will be there until 2012 at least...
...at which time it will be bought by the owners of the Drake.
guys i heard this is where the W hotel is going

plz confirm tia
The Jillys conversion is bound to happen someday... Leslieville is already the Gladstone and Ossington of the East.
I really hope something Drake-ish is done to it. I love that building, it's steps from me, and it'd be nice to have some more entertainment venues nearby.

I'm not really down with the sketchy strip club scene.
guys i heard this is where the W hotel is going

plz confirm tia

Ha ha. Brilliant. This should fire up about 5 pages of wild, baseless speculation.


It's funny how Queen East mirrors Queen West. Apart from the Jilly's/Gladstone brownstone thing, there's also the two streetcar carhouses, and the two somewhat down-at-heel Days Inns. The Queen/Kingston intersection is sort of the eastern equivalent of Queen/King/Roncesvalles except that Queen continues its journey east into the Beaches whereas on the west it ends abruptly in a tangled intersection, continuing somewhat strangely as the Queensway, a 50s monument to motoring.
A friend told me today that he heard that the building that houses Jilly's, at the corner of Queen & Broadview, had been bought by the owners of the Drake Hotel, presumably to do something similar in the east end. i know this rumour was floating around a couple of times in the last couple of years so can anyone confirm whether or not it is true?
Okay, I guess this means that the gurls'll henceforth be exclusively Diablo Cody or MissBehav'N live-window-model types
When's the Parkview Arms gonna be bought out by a trendy developer? Surely at Strachan and Queen St West, opposite Trinity-Bellwoods Park would make an excellent condo conversion? Or Drake-knockoff?

Actually, a better question would be: how soon before the Drake is franchised? 2013 is my guess.
When's the Parkview Arms gonna be bought out by a trendy developer? Surely at Strachan and Queen St West, opposite Trinity-Bellwoods Park would make an excellent condo conversion? Or Drake-knockoff?

Actually, a better question would be: how soon before the Drake is franchised? 2013 is my guess.

The Drake Hotel East.

Sounds good to me, because it'd be a lot closer than going to West Queen West.
Yes - I posted this in the Riverdale thread yesterday

I see Jilly's has been closed as the city have deemed the building unsafe

