Although rooted in loft development, Streetcar does not see this building as a residential condominium project.

Interesting. They say their first priority is to stabilize & restore the building, but I'll be curious to see what they'll wind up doing with it. Partnering with someone to make a Drake-like location, or if this is just elliptical PR-speak ("We don't see this as a condo, we see this as a community!" – that is, a condo.)
That is great news, I'd love to see that building restored. It is so prominent on that intersection.
Interesting. They say their first priority is to stabilize & restore the building, but I'll be curious to see what they'll wind up doing with it. Partnering with someone to make a Drake-like location, or if this is just elliptical PR-speak ("We don't see this as a condo, we see this as a community!" – that is, a condo.)

I'd much rather see a Gladstone-type reuse - which is one that did not permanently displace many of the low income residents.
I'd much rather see a Gladstone-type reuse - which is one that did not permanently displace many of the low income residents.

Very good point. The Gladstone reuse was much more sensitive (and, to my mind, much more appealing) than the Drake's.
Been awaiting that particular bit of news for a long time now. It was inevitable that this gem be purchased and bigger plans made for it. It'll be interesting to see what they do with the property now.
I sort of wish Streetcar could also assemble the two small properties to the immediate west as well.

As they don't plan to put condos in the hotel, it does make me wonder if they'll add nearby properties where they can add density and where they can make a little money back on what is likely to be quite an expensive restoration (assuming they do it right!).

From a Postcity interview with Jeff Stober (Drake, Owner) last week:

"In addition to Devonshire, Stober also let slip that he is close to finalizing a deal with the Bay to open Drake General Store outlets in the department stores nationwide. Oh, and there could be an announcement concerning a second Drake Hotel in the coming weeks. It’s close."
This is a long time coming. That was my streetcar route for fifteen years or so. Slow, slow cleanup of Riverside has accelerated recently, but this will be the tipping point. Yea!
It's too bad the buildings to the west are so short, makes Jilly's stand out in an odd way. Can they be knocked down and replaced with something taller (barring no heritage issues of course)?

The height at Jilly's is just about right for 'big city' commercial low rise, i'd say.

