Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it for iLofts only?

nope the sales office on the iLofts podium (4th floor) is used to sell both iLofts and California ... the model suite shown only represents a typical iLoft suite though
FYI, they have started the foundations for the crane. Expect to see that up in the not too distant future.
FYI, they have started the foundations for the crane. Expect to see that up in the not too distant future.

Here's a pic from yesterday

A nice surprise! I hadn't known that it was going to be built directly behind iLoft, sharing the same parking structure. Great that we don't have to wait months for excavation, haha.
Will there be any pedestrian connections built over the railway to the south of this area? Sorry if thats been covered, just curious.
Nothing above the tracks is planned, but there are both walking trail and road connections coming.

The trail will go along the Mimico Creek, and all of the builders erecting condos on either side of the Mimico will be putting money towards it. I'm not 100% certain that the walking trail will cross under the tracks on the east side of the creek, but I believe that's the plan: certainly a pedestrian bridge from the Mystic Pointe community was built over the Mimico two years ago, so a walking trail on the east side of the creek would connect to that. Someday the trail will go north to the Queensway... and even beyond possibly.

Meanwhile, Legion Road will be put through under the railway to connect up with the portion that meets Lake Shore Boulevard, although not for a few more years still. Both Camrost Felcorp and Empire Communities, the builders of California, etc., and Beyond the Sea respectively, located at either end of Legion Road, are putting money towards the completion of Legion Road at some point. The City must fix up the area immediately south of the tracks first though: a small creek named Bonar Creek empties into the Mimico there, and improvements to the environment there have to be made before the road can go through. I'm not sure if there's money in the City budget for the creek improvements this year or next, but there isn't for the road in either this year's budget or next. I'm not sure how many thousnad people will be living in the Mystic Pointe area before they finally have better road connections.

You may well be right interchange.. you seem well informed and probably know more than me. However I just can't get my head about the city paying to join the 2 legion roads (even with builder help) when there's a working road not a couple of hundred meters to the east (Park Lawn). This is no ordinary road we're talking about here.. this is a serious undertaking, essentially building a tunnel. I can't see from a tax payers perspective a very good cost/benefit ratio.
Yes, it will be an expensive piece of road: city planning deems it necessary to handle all the traffic expected in this area though, so like I said, both Empire Communities and Camrost Felcorp are being required to pony up for some of it. What percentage they are paying, and what amount will come from the taxpayer I do not know.

The connection to Park Lawn that was put in two years ago would not have been cheap either. That road will get busier and busier too as more condos along both it the Lake Shore get built, so every inch of new pavement in the future will definitely help distribute traffic more evenly.

This is no ordinary road we're talking about here.. this is a serious undertaking, essentially building a tunnel. I can't see from a tax payers perspective a very good cost/benefit ratio.
I think the idea behind joining two Legion Roads is to provide better Gardiner EB to LakeShore connection bypassing busier with every year Park Lawn / Lake Shore intersection and to relief Gardiner off-ramp traffic on ParkLawn especially felt when there is an accident on closure of Eastbound Gardiner past ParkLawn. I fully support the connection although agree timing has to be right (enough volume to justify it).
I agree dziogo.. I'd like to see it to.. it would make my dog walking much more interesting!
However, I don't see that much volume on park lawn at the moment.. compared to many streets, it's actually quite dead.. but for sure once a bunch of new condos are constructed, that's going to change..
A nice surprise! I hadn't known that it was going to be built directly behind iLoft, sharing the same parking structure. Great that we don't have to wait months for excavation, haha.

It's actually going to share the lobby with iLoft too.
However, I don't see that much volume on park lawn at the moment.. compared to many streets, it's actually quite dead.. but for sure once a bunch of new condos are constructed, that's going to change..

Again many world cities build the infastructure first to accommodate high density future development...what do we do, build residential/commercial first wait for the chaos and then 5-10 years down the line figure out what to do....Crazy
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