The CAMH buildings from the early 2010s - by KPMB, Montgomery Sisam and Kearns Mancini - struck a much better balance in terms of looking approachable vs. looking institutional. These latest buildings are also way too big. They really loom over Queen West, almost like a wall fronting the CAMH campus.
I always figured this would look institutional, because it’s a hospital after all.

The CAMH buildings from the early 2010s - by KPMB, Montgomery Sisam and Kearns Mancini - struck a much better balance in terms of looking approachable vs. looking institutional. These latest buildings are also way too big. They really loom over Queen West, almost like a wall fronting the CAMH campus.

Those earlier phases are also physically smaller (as individualized wards and whatnot) - these are actual clinical building and it shows. I just felt that the urge to visually break down the mass didn't function well (like the bricked portions felt tacked on).

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It's not terrible but I can't take my eyes off that ghastly electrical. Even if the whole street was lined with architectural gems the street would look terrible due to them. And wooden poles? Is this rural Albania? Hopefully when Queen gets built out they'll install proper 20th century electrical infrastructure .......and proper sidewalk paving.
