the design does look pretty good, though the vehicular entrance off College shocks.

The neighbours would explode (even more) if the main vehicular entrance was via the small road south of the building.

I really do like the design -- it's almost playful in the way the various spaces push out. It's definitely not just a single glass box.

That said, apart from massing, the building architecture just doesn't fit with the rest of the neighbourhood. Although it's a very different scale, the Lillian H. Smith Library in that shot is a great example of being architecturally interesting while not doing violence to the overall sense of the neighbourhood architecture. Even the precast CAMH building is more in keeping with the local approach than this glass-and-steel piece, which seems far more suited to the Central Business District than College and Spadina.
Both this and the new D&S design for the G&M, while interesting, feel way too chunky. They are pushing the envelope on their lot size. It's overwhelming. I think it just needs to be a bit more slender, or at least the architecture needs to convey a better sense of being skinny. Perhaps a small setback on the tall 3rd box could help that a bit.
I love the chunky look, since it uses the vertical space efficiently, but there shouldn't be a driveway on College, and the design needs less glass and more architecture.
It has the unsavoury character of many an anti-urban Brutalist building from the 1970s: jarring architecture, an inappropriate scale, and a driveway on College that will be unfriendly to pedestrians.
Two newer renderings of the project, now value engineered, have been added to the dataBase file.

It's a student residence. Whatchugonnado?

All window-wall. *Shakes head*. Big disappointment from the earlier concepts.
It's pretty arrogant for something so awkward and bland. The street-level rendering suggests how cheap it will probably end up looking.

Ontario Municipal Board hearing on proposed 24-storey residence concludes
Decision to be released in coming weeks

By Alessandra Harkness
Published: 12:53 am, 2 December 2013

On Friday, November 28, a hearing involving Knightstone Capital Management, the City of Toronto, and a number of residents’ associations and local residents concluded at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Knightstone, a private development company, appealed the OMB’s rejection of a a new University of Toronto student residence at the corner of College Street and Spadina Avenue. Originally proposed to be 42-storeys, the current residence plan is for 24-storeys.
TBH, window walls isn't that bad if handled well - e.g. Murano. Still more concerned about the bulkiness, insufficient setback of the tower and the loading dock access, which is just plain rude to that stretch of College.

Heard some new details about this today - the chunky look is gone and there will be a good portion of brick at lower levels
Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Not Started

Location: 251 COLLEGE ST

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 14 122965 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Feb 28, 2014

Project: Multiple Use/Non Residential Demolition

Description: Proposal to demolish existing 5 storey above grade and 1 storey below grade mixed use building for future development at 253 College St.
Development is now under Brookfield Multiplex. The project page is below with some nice renders the design has been changed again. Planned completion is 2016 and they intend to get going on demolition this spring hence the application.http://!prettyPhoto

UT forums and Android dont work well to post photos so if someone else could pull them from the site and post them in the thread it would be much appreciated.
