Love the neonish lights in the bobers thingies at sunset / night - looks great - so do the bird house light like fixtures (they're in fact blue / red / green LED lights).

I think the central pieces of the park are great i.e. the water feature and the like / the turf field / the canoe area ... but there's a lack of maintenance throughout the rest of the area like you see above, there are no flowers either. That doesn't make the park bad though - a few simple changes (i.e. flowers and maintenance) would make it great though.

A silly question probably, what's going to be built just to the east of the park in the giant pit - right after the buildings west of spadina ?
Block 31 will be TCHC housing (originally planned for 40+ storeys untill CityPlace owners complained) and two schools (Catholic and Public).
Isn't TCHC housing also going on the other side of the park (across the street) i.e. on the west side of the park?
Yes there is also TCHC housing going up kitty-corner to the Park (north-west), west of Parade beside the Library District condos (Blocks 32 and 36)
So what's the deal here, is it in Concord's hands to be handed over to the city? I have faith that the city can do a better job than this, they're typically pretty good with plantings and landscaping anyway. Facility maintenance always leaves something to be desired though.
So what's the deal here, is it in Concord's hands to be handed over to the city? I have faith that the city can do a better job than this, they're typically pretty good with plantings and landscaping anyway. Facility maintenance always leaves something to be desired though.

I could be wrong but I believe that the city took ownership of the park last year.
Oh, well then that is embarrassing on the city's part. Here's hoping your information is incorrect (I mean that in the nicest possible way, haha).
Despite living around the corner, I walked through the park for the first time this past weekend. One thing me and a friend thought was how awesome it would be (or would have been) if they could either roll up the turf, or build a level surface over the turf in the winter to create a ice rink for shinny. The area could really use something like that and unless they plan to remove the snow from the turf during the winter, the benefits from having an artificial surface in place there would be lacking. A makeshift hockey rink that people could see from the Gardiner would be awesome and would add to the elements of Canadiana already in the park.
Despite living around the corner, I walked through the park for the first time this past weekend. One thing me and a friend thought was how awesome it would be (or would have been) if they could either roll up the turf, or build a level surface over the turf in the winter to create a ice rink for shinny. The area could really use something like that and unless they plan to remove the snow from the turf during the winter, the benefits from having an artificial surface in place there would be lacking. A makeshift hockey rink that people could see from the Gardiner would be awesome and would add to the elements of Canadiana already in the park.
That was the first thing I thought would be great when I first saw the turf.
That explains the maintenance problems. Concord: we did what we had to (barely) and walks away, City of Toronto: we look forward to maintaining Canoe Landing Park next year, we care.
