Everything is sensational so far, I mean is there truly any criticism of Casa yet?
Yes, from me re: the crushingly massive podium necessitated by the absurd amount of parking at the intersection of two subway lines; and from others re: the too-clear glass balcony railings that may result in the building looking like a forty-six storey flee market. But as an uninhabited architectural 'object' it looks great.
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Yes, from me re: the crushingly massive podium necessitated by the absurd amount of parking at the intersection of two subway lines; and from others re: the too-clear glass balcony railings they may result in the building looking like a forty-six storey flee market. But as an uninhabited architectural 'object' it looks great.

I'm all good with the podium, it's a necessity evil given the relatively small footprint and height of the building. I think it's handled very well plus I'm imagining the lobby once completed and I think it's openness will frame the front of the building at street level well and move the eyes away from the (arguably) bulky podium.
As for the glass you could be correct, I have mixed feelings with clear glass balconies and go back & forth on it so I'm undecided. I (and others) have referenced 22 Wellesley in the past as having unsightly balconies with crap stored on them but I've noticed recently that the problem balconies on the lower levels seem to be cleaned up considerably and look better. I think with Casa the first row of balconies is high enough that we won't get an up close look when walking by and from a distance objects on the balconies won't distract to any negative degree. Spire illustrates this well.
Casa as seen from Ward's Island last night... (sorry for the grainy quality)

Very cool shot making it look like Casa, "Vaseline Towers" and Corus are all so close to each other. Very nice, Redroom!
Casa Lobby Progress Aug 22-09

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

August 24th

Can we ever get enough of Casa? I know I can't :)

I just love how this beautiful glass masterpiece adds to the skyline from all points. I also can't wait to see "X" augment our skyline when it reaches completion.

Some are long shots, some are zoom shots. A couple are a touch out of focus as I was standing in a lane on Yonge Street trying to grab some of these shots without hydro poles or light standards obstructing the shots!

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

From Yonge & Balmoral area (just south of St. Clair) -

Yonge & Summerhill area -

Yonge & McPhearson area -

Bloor & Church -

