Hi there. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing the pictures and all the updates. I've been watching the thread for awhile. I bought a condo here what seems like ages ago so it's pretty exciting to see all the work being done now.
What do you think is a realistic occupancy date? I am thinking spring/summer '09?
Anyway, thanks again.
Casaguy - I just wanted to say thanks for the new way you are posting your pics as clickable thumbnails. I far prefer it as loading time is drastically cut (and after having seen the pics once, it makes the reload of the page much more bearable!)

Hi there. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing the pictures and all the updates. I've been watching the thread for awhile. I bought a condo here what seems like ages ago so it's pretty exciting to see all the work being done now.
What do you think is a realistic occupancy date? I am thinking spring/summer '09?
Anyway, thanks again.

Just got back from the sales office today, -and that's what they said...
BTW, all the 1+1 suites are gone, and prices are in the $520-$550 per square foot range!!! :eek:
^Unless Cresford lives up to their atrocious reputation I think this investment will be well worth it. I'm glad to see there is now a Facebook group for everyone who has been scammed by Cresford... much easier to mobilize if necessary. What a great tool the internet has become for the consumer.

On a more positive note, I just received a letter from them stating my new tentative occupancy is August 2009. (I am on one of the top floors). Are there any other owners here with a much earlier move-in date?

Interchange: agreed about the clickable pics... Unless I'm only posting one or two pics, I'll definitely go the clickable route from now on.

Ndero: Glad you've enjoyed following this thread.
Interchange: agreed about the clickable pics... Unless I'm only posting one or two pics, I'll definitely go the clickable route from now on.

Would you please explain how you are doing that for everyone's benefit? Thanks!

For those using photobucket.com, select your photos then click on "generate html and img code" then copy and paste the code that is in the box labeled: "IMG clickable thumbnails for message boards - recommended" into your urban toronto window.

I also find it's a lot more pleasing to the eye if you add a blank space between each line of code (just like you do between regular words in a sentence) rather than have every image butted right up to each other.

A line of code in this instance begins with [URL and ends with /URL]

Hope that helps.
Nice work Casa!

I'm wondering if you could please share any reported data on the going rate for suites in this building. I would like to know the range of new condo developments in the area.

Thanks for your help!
You'd have to go to the sales centre or call them for exact rates for Casa, but it would be fair to ballpark between $400,000 to $500,000 for units in the 800-850 sq. ft range on Charles Street between Yonge and Jarvis.
$400,000 to $500,000 for units in the 800-850 sq. ft range on Charles Street between Yonge and Jarvis.

Wow! 500 bucks a foot to live a block from the Brass Rail! Amazing!

It's fantastic how this area has gentrified and the completion of this project will make it even better.
'Couture' over at Jarvis & Charles is considerably less psf but it's not nearly as good a location, has limited views and is a pretty noisy corner (IMO).
Hmm, I wonder how 2 additional floors got through so quietly?
March 24




Casa Condominium Progress March 26, 2008

View from the top floor of 2 Bloor West (roughly the same height that Casa will be). Work on the second floor of the podium is moving along.

Note how Verve dominates in the first wideshot... and forgive the filthy windows.

