Nice shots tomms. Any chance you could get an internal shot showing the framing in one of the Modena units? I'm assuming you have a construction buddy taking these pictures for you and it would be real handy knowing what is in those steel framed walls (for possible future modifications). The Modena models are the middle west facing units on the upper floors.

These photos are clearly by tomms & co., not a construction buddy on site. Do yourself a favour and check out his website
tomms, dt toronto geek, casaguy... your photos have been incredible. Thank you. I can tell that tomms' internal Foglia shots are from the 40th floor since there's no balcony glass railing hanging down from above, and the 41st floor is the first with no windows or railings. That's my floor. So the shots of 40 might as well be from my unit, and it's awesome to see them. I've been excited about this place for over 3 years, and now I'm ridiculously excited. These units with the wrap around balconies are going to be amazing. Here's hoping that I don't get hit by a bus before I get the privilege of moving in!

User Name, I too am excited about my Foglia suite...however, mine is about 10 floors lower than yours. U think I can expect a similar spectacular view?
User Name, I too am excited about my Foglia suite...however, mine is about 10 floors lower than yours. U think I can expect a similar spectacular view?

Definitely. Even 30 is a high floor for Toronto, and whenever I've been in units that high I've been wowed by the view. The northwest view is relatively open so I think your view will be terrific. Being a bit lower will also give it some interesting depth and perspective. As well, the asian guy with the glasses that directs the cement trucks (he's a great guy) told me a while ago that he went up to the 30th floor, NW conrner, and that the view was spectacular.
July 13


She starting to wider and look the floor thickness 3 floors down.

That last shot is awesome! Thank you! ...a little wider and you could get X in the same shot...
awesome indeed, Mike, thx for all the great pics today!
There doesn't appear to be any poured concrete or cinder block walls...what are they separating the suites with?
