A 10 second scan back of pages shows me they hit street level at the end of January of this year.
The first occupants being rodents then?

This morning...


Thanks archetype. Wow, they're really motoring along now... I'll snap some pics this weekend...
Work has begun on the flooring of the 27th level. 20 more to go.




^Looks like I either caught a light flare or the gay couple couldn't wait to get in and put up their purple lighting...

Great pics as always casaguy. It's odd that the balcony glass is going in before the undersides of the balcony slabs are painted/treated.
Cresford, no? :)

Yes, which surprises me, by the speed of construction of this building considering BSN was on the market for sale much earlier than Casa, and the typical delays experienced at many other Cresford projects.
fingers crossed

i really do hope they do something to the exposed balconies.

everytime i see exposed concrete balconies on otherwise sophisticated condos i get a little turned off.

don't get me wrong, sometimes concrete can be done very well. i think canada's concrete masterpiece is the national gallery in ottawa.

otherwise, concrete can be very brutal, cold, and often cheap. i find concrete particularly difficult in toronto seeing as we have so many overcast days.
I do recall something about Cresford assuring buyers at the meet and greet that the balconies would be painted. They'd be fools not to since the undersides of the balconies are really all you'll see as you look up at the building. It would make Cresford look incredibly cheap.

And yes, it seems like it would be easier to paint first before installing all of the hardware on the balconies, but I guess painting in the warmer weather would be preferred.

Yes, which surprises me, by the speed of construction of this building considering BSN was on the market for sale much earlier than Casa, and the typical delays experienced at many other Cresford projects.

For the record, this building is about 18 months behind schedule with respect to what I was told when I bought here.
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