Does Crestford typically hire respected architects for its larger projects, rely on in-house staff?
A more apt comparison would to Peter Dickinson. His work was similar to the mainstream but with above-average attention to detail. Most buildings by Dickinson don't stand out dramatically at first sight, but it's the details like mullion and balcony placement, contrasts in materials, and sensitivity to proportions that, among other elements, make his buildings a cut above the others. Like Peter Clewes and aA, today, he also rarely, if ever, produced a design that looks awkward or unsuccessful. Uno Prii, on the other hand, was known for his exuberant and very original designs that didn't seem to show the same religious belief in the International Style as his colleagues.

Both Peter Dickinson and Peter Clewes' work will probably stand the test of time in terms of appreciation. Of course, Uno Prii's buildings will as well, but in a different way.

I would more or less agree with that assessment.

But I wouldn't equate Dickinson as much with apartment towers as much as his more institutional buildings. And I wouldn't single out Dickinson...I would throw in Parkin and Crang & Boake as just as prolific and of good quality. A special nod would go to Eric Arthur, as the grandaddy and most influential figure in Toronto modernism. I also agree that modernism was a hard sell in Toronto in the 50's and early 60's, so they were pumping out conservative status quo modernism, but with good attention to detail.

This is where I find less similarity with aA. I find Clewes work great, but ultimately derivative more than contemporary. It's fresh, and pulls in more than one influence...but you can see where the influences are.

He's certainly more market-driven than Prii was, but where I see the similarities is in their philosophy of giving what are essentially cheap buildings some flair. Clewes is to the Vancouver style green glass towers, what Prii was to the ubiquitous slab apartment buildings of his day.
assuming that was the actual rendering, and as others have pointed out its merely a rehash of Exhibit with additional floors. here's something that could have picked up on that theme and made it different: instead of have each of the twisted portions simply alternate back and forth the higher they get, keep them twisting more in the same direction so that by the time you get to the top there is somewhere between 90-180 degrees of rotation. I loved the comment that said aA was clearly out of ideas, I've been saying that for 2 years. I think they need to try some psychedelic drugs before returning to the drawing board.
assuming that was the actual rendering, and as others have pointed out its merely a rehash of Exhibit with additional floors. here's something that could have picked up on that theme and made it different: instead of have each of the twisted portions simply alternate back and forth the higher they get, keep them twisting more in the same direction so that by the time you get to the top there is somewhere between 90-180 degrees of rotation. I loved the comment that said aA was clearly out of ideas, I've been saying that for 2 years. I think they need to try some psychedelic drugs before returning to the drawing board.

So basically what you're saying is Absolute World, only square instead of rounded?
Or something like this?

False alarm. I think this land purchase was a land bank. I don't see any reason to expect something on this site any time soon. No mention what so ever on their website - not even a "coming soon".
Surfing around just came across a real aA stunner of a rendering or two, with a Charles St tag....hmm....looks cool even if it's not the design...;)

screenshot taken from


Building to the left in rendering has similar massing to Cresford's neighbouring BSN project....and to the right, the post office building. But does it add up to 64s?

Very Exhibit Residences, albeit in a 100% sexier fashion.:D

just found this, i was wondering what render everyone was talking about! :p i hope this building style isn't used to frequently, its really nice but theres so many buildings using this style! exhibit, 42 charles street (if its the legit design, lago, and afew few more i think.......
