just getting caught-up on this one...$4mm Section 37 package...crazy

WoW, wonder if they are turning around and investing it back to the area infastructure....or are they just stockpilling the loot to purchase greenspace yet for another park that they cant maintain
WoW, wonder if they are turning around and investing it back to the area infastructure....or are they just stockpilling the loot to purchase greenspace yet for another park that they cant maintain
How many parks, or public squares serve this rapidly growing high density area? Not nearly enough.

just getting caught-up on this one...$4mm Section 37 package...crazy

42 Charles St (site of the former CTV HQ and later YMCA) CASA II
Application moved directly to OMB but settled with Councillor Wong Tam at the recent Community Council.
This application proposes to redevelop the site with one 56-storey tower (174 metres excluding mechanical penthouse) containing 447 residential condominium units. Pedestrian access is to be provided from both Hayden Street and Charles Street East. There would be six levels of below grade parking with access from a two way lane from Charles Street East on the west side of the site.
The settlement includes these Section 37 conditions:
City Council require the applicant to provide the facilities, services and matters pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, to the amount of $4,000,000 as described in the report (May 24, 2012) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, as follows:
Prior to the issuance of above grade permits provide a cash contribution of $4,000,000 which is to be used for the following:
a. $200,000 to be directed to local park improvements;
b. $3,800,000 for streetscape improvements on Charles Street East and Hayden Street from Yonge Street to Church Street not abutting the site;

This settlement is ignores the recommendation in the report as follows

"The proposal represents over-development of the site. The proposed building creates issues regarding lack of indoor and outdoor amenity space, lack of visitor parking and overlook and privacy concerns for the existing development to the west and any future development to the east. The approval of the project as proposed would negatively impact the planned context of the area thereby impacting future development in a manner that is inconsistent with the policies of the Official Plan and does not implement Council approved guidelines such as the Design Criteria for the Review of Tall Building Proposals."

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WoW, wonder if they are turning around and investing it back to the area infastructure....or are they just stockpilling the loot to purchase greenspace yet for another park that they cant maintain

Hi Automation,

I gather that you are likely unfamiliar with the Planning Act and the development application and planning process in general, but sec 37 of the Planning Act deals with height and density bonusing, whereas Sec 42 deals specifically with the conveyance of land for parkland purposes. Generally high density sites don't have land available for the conveyance of parkland, therefore sec 42 of the act prescribes maximum amounts of cash-in-lieu of parkland that municipalities can charge for parkland based on units or hectares of land. The City of Toronto has an alternative parkland standard which is applied to high-density development which is utilized in your eloquent description to "stockpile the loot to purchase green space for yet another park they can't maintain" - whatever your position may happen to be, there are legislative mechanisms and powers that ensure that the city and development industry are in the business of constructing complete communities to service the needs of our growing population in a dense urban environment.
Right-on, thanks Mike for that info...hey im all for fully maintained city parks and squares,
and agree that Toronto needs a bunch more of that
But my concern was that the money was not being put into proper use.
Again many times you would never know by just looking around where many of these new clusters of development have been built.
Wonder how sales are doing with this project? Might be at risk of cancellation given that investors are starting to leave the market. Halt of most new developments may be starting.
Wonder how sales are doing with this project? Might be at risk of cancellation given that investors are starting to leave the market. Halt of most new developments may be starting.

Hahahaha, youre all doom and gloom, last i heard its over 70% sold, soil testers on site, and yes it will most likely proceed
This, along with Massey, 1Thousand Bay and INDX all sold very well earlier in the year before the slowdown that seems to be plaguing most pre con these days occurred.
Has this proposal even been approved by the city yet?

I'm actually pleased about the end of the boom, as it seemed that we were just about to embark on a period that would have seen some serious demolition happening in the Entertainment District. Restaurant Row, the lowrise hostels on Widmer and the heritage buildings on the south side of Mercer, among others, were all under immediate thread. Additionally we'll avoid some very mediocre towers like King Blue and Noir going up.

I do hope that Casa II, Massey Tower, Picasso, Exhibit, King Charlotte, Pace and 60 Colborne all somehow manage to squeak through to the construction phase. I wouldn't shed too many tears over 88 Scott or INDX missing the boat.
Wonder how sales are doing with this project? Might be at risk of cancellation given that investors are starting to leave the market. Halt of most new developments may be starting.

knock it off........this kind of speculation without fact, is damaging to a forum.
