So everything north of Charles Street is now Yorkville, including Dollarama, KFC and The Brass Rail? Wow, how prestigious, a sleazy strip club in Yorkville! Who are we kidding here? lol
Just like Parkdale becoming WQW, west Queen West. No neighborhood should be stale. We should embrace the growth of a successful neighbourhood. Yorkvillve itself used to be very rough just a few decades ago. Theres no reason why South Bloor cant be prestigious. Projects like these may attract the right people and give back the attention the area needed to make the improvements.

My point is, we should be positive about the positive attitudes towards growth and expansion, as long as we respect the history and heritage.

So everything north of Charles Street is now Yorkville, including Dollarama, KFC and The Brass Rail? Wow, how prestigious, a sleazy strip club in Yorkville! Who are we kidding here? lol
Yorkville was very rough a few decades ago? As in dangerous? No. One could say "colourful" in the 60's & 70's, but not rough.
I kind of like that neighbourhood boundaries can change and expand. I'm really looking forward to the Dollarama Lofts and the Brass Rail Residences in Yorkville :p
I guess you are right, its like Queen west. Artists discover a neighborhood first, then brands and luxury boutiques come in, artists get pushed out.

Yorkville was very rough a few decades ago? As in dangerous? No. One could say "colourful" in the 60's & 70's, but not rough.
Dollarama no. Brassrail, maybe yes. In central London most prestigious areas do have strip club and red light districts, such as Gray's Inn.

I kind of like that neighbourhood boundaries can change and expand. I'm really looking forward to the Dollarama Lofts and the Brass Rail Residences in Yorkville :p
I'd still take the charm of Yorkville Ave., Cumberland St. etc. any day. In fact, I'd prefer Charles East aside from the Manulife tower and 1 St. Thomas on Charles West.
Is Casa 4 coming to the land they own at 64 Charles? Anyone heard anything? I really hope they try a differnt design if they plan another tall one next door at 64. I guess this movement down Charles will evenutally fill all the land on both sides of the street with highrise between Church and Yonge? Or maybe even Jarvis and Yonge?
Is Casa 4 coming to the land they own at 64 Charles? Anyone heard anything? I really hope they try a differnt design if they plan another tall one next door at 64. I guess this movement down Charles will evenutally fill all the land on both sides of the street with highrise between Church and Yonge? Or maybe even Jarvis and Yonge?

there will be no Casa 4
^ The land behind that site is owned by The Salvation Army Grace Hospital at Bloor & Church.

64charles was bought by cresford. I think it's the old houses next door to Casa 3, on Charles. Is it just for the sales centre or something maybe if not a condo tower?
