Concord have this now
Yep - according to Realnet - sale closed before Christmas
Storey Living wasn't going to build this. Hopefully, Concord won't either. I'm basically splitting hairs by saying this would be the all time worst tower from Concord.
Oh boy, we're in for a real disaster in the making now. Just when I thought they were on the verge of vacating the city too.

Maybe the building will fall over and destroy the bunker across the street. Optimism!
Oh boy, we're in for a real disaster in the making now. Just when I thought they were on the verge of vacating the city too.

What is proposed is a disaster. With Concord, there is potential for much better.

Concord has probably built more condos in the downtown than anyone else. Why would think they would move on? I wouldn't want them to develop another 40 acre site somewhere in the city. Truth be told, I wouldn't want anyone to develop a 40 acre site. However, they are better than what Storey Living proposed. They even managed respectability out of Page + Steele over the years.
They did?

Harbour View Estates 3 and Matrix are still lookers even after 15 years and 500 more glass tower built. You also have aA, KPF, KPMB and yet Concord continues to be seen equal to the likes of Canderel. Sure, they cheap out on finishes. At least they don't always cheap out on the designers. Keep in mind, The concept plan for Cityplace was also conceived in the mid 1990s. Planned development today should be better. There was also desperation for any development as Toronto was bottoming out on one of its worst real estate busts.

This could end up a disaster but, my point still stands, that it already is a disaster. I'm curious what Concord will do here. Hopefully, they give the design the heave ho. Anything can happen then. They could go local. They can go with their go to IBI. They could go international.
