






Reminds me a little of the Selby.

Vaughan's treatment of the centre meridian (arterial road) is noticeably nicer than what the City of Toronto typically builds . The planter walls are higher, painted white (far less drab than bare concrete), and they even textured the sides (stripes in one area, square indentations in others). It's just a small thing but details like this make all the difference. Take notes Toronto.

Vaughan will never have the historic charm of Toronto but its minimum standard on new construction is arguably better than what we see in Toronto. If they continue on their current path it's going to be (2040?) one of the better looking areas in Toronto - Hamilton. Loads of work still to do, of course.
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I think people are just jealous, it is as simple as that. Most of these builds in VCC are better then the vast majority of what is going up downtown ... be honest with yourself ... :)

Vaughan will never have the historic charm of Toronto but its minimum standard on new construction is arguably better than what we see in Toronto.

This isn't really a Vaughan thing, it's the viva bus routes - and the finishes you see are consistent across York region with them (so Hi-way 7 and the like). But I agree, it's pretty nice overall - both the sideways (in some areas) and the medium.
I think people are just jealous, it is as simple as that. Most of these builds in VCC are better then the vast majority of what is going up downtown ... be honest with yourself ... :)

This isn't really a Vaughan thing, it's the viva bus routes - and the finishes you see are consistent across York region with them (so Hi-way 7 and the like). But I agree, it's pretty nice overall - both the sideways (in some areas) and the medium.
Jealous? Of what exactly?? I find the place genuinely depressing in every way.
I think people are just jealous, it is as simple as that. Most of these builds in VCC are better then the vast majority of what is going up downtown ... be honest with yourself ... :)

This isn't really a Vaughan thing, it's the viva bus routes - and the finishes you see are consistent across York region with them (so Hi-way 7 and the like). But I agree, it's pretty nice overall - both the sideways (in some areas) and the medium.

There will always be people unable to recognize potential. You see it in those DIY shows all the time. They can only process what is already in existence and right in front of them.

I'm a downtowner but find the condescending attitude towards suburbs attempting to urbanize can get a little much. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Vaughan is, by no means, an urban paradise but it was never going to be a 5 year fix. This will take 25-30 years of incremental improvement. Places like Vaughan have a monumental hill to climb but should be commended and encouraged for the progress being made. All one can do is ignore the negativity and concentrate on the process.

Thanks for the information about VIVA. I'm a big fan of the design details as well.
