Has it been discussed what that orange thing is in the model? It looks like a flattened orange. Is it some sort of art component?
The orange thing is a decorative lamp and part of the sales centre, not the model. The lamp is positioned roughly where the Hudson sits next door.
I hope that construction is pushed back a bit. Sucks for the buyers but as a resident next door, the quiet of the past few months of the completion of the major work on Glas has been nice. It would be nice to have a little longer break before the construction noise of Charlie starts up. I certainly wouldn't complain if the morning start time was later like at least 8am. Starting at 7am and frequently before that is evil especially when the walk to work is 5 minutes and I don't have to be there until 9am.

And to head off the probable responses of "Why did you buy there when there's going to be lots of noise?", I've never complained about the regular street noise, I had that when I lived up at Y&E so I'm used to that sort of stuff.
I agree. The street noise doesn't bother me at all. It's that constant hammering and banging starting at 7am each morning that drove me insane. Especially on weekends.
Just be glad you haven't had to endure 5 months of blinding welding work every night between 2am and 5am on the streetcar tracks on the other side of the building.
Yeah the early Saturdays were really bad. Geez, two days to sleep in and one was usually ruined. If Adam Vaughn wants a crusade to go on it should be in changing when construction is allowed to start rather than the idiotic crusade he's on now.

When Glas was going up there would be many nights where a bright light on the crane structure somewhere shone down on the current floor at the time with some guy there mucking around with the concrete. Frequently it would go late into the night. Some nights the light would be left on without the guy there.
For those who live at Hudson:

How noisy are the units facing King or Spadina, 4,5,6 floor? is the noise from the streetcars too loud?

No, those floors aren't very noisy. The streetcars aren't too loud from indoors, just as I'm sure they won't be from Charlie. Tolerance depends on the individual, of course, but I think you'd have to be pretty strange to be annoyed by the streetcar noise. It's romantic background city ambience.

The TTC's fleet of streetcars is being replaced by ostensibly more quiet vehicles in a couple of years, anyway.
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That depends on what your definition of noisy is. If you are moving from single detached house on a quiet street in the burbs then anywhere on a streetcar line would probably be rather noisy when your windows are open.
400 CAD per Square Foot ?

Hey, did anyone see today's ad for Charlie ? I think they released more units for roughly around 400/sq ft (no parking)...which is way down from 600 plus/sq ft. Are they having difficulty selling ? It is bad timing.
Hey, did anyone see today's ad for Charlie ? I think they released more units for roughly around 400/sq ft (no parking)...which is way down from 600 plus/sq ft. Are they having difficulty selling ? It is bad timing.

Where did you see the ad? A friend of mine bought into Charlie during the pre-sales event. Last I heard they were over 65% sold. A look at their availability board shows only a few units remaining (not including the unreleased LPH and PH units).

I do know that they were planning on breaking ground during this past winter but they pushed it back to June..
In today's Globe and Mail:

Where did you see the ad? A friend of mine bought into Charlie during the pre-sales event. Last I heard they were over 65% sold. A look at their availability board shows only a few units remaining (not including the unreleased LPH and PH units).

I do know that they were planning on breaking ground during this past winter but they pushed it back to June..

Baker Real Estate has a practice of showing units with a red dot (implying sold) but in fact the unit can be:
  • actually sold
  • on hold by purchaser
  • held back by builder for future release
  • not sold but builder wanted to make the sales % board appear 'hotter' to suggest units are 'in demand' ... fake perception

I suspect Charlie will be delaying construction well beyond June 2009 ~

Eeeks, prices slashed like that huh! .... another sign of the times?
Those prices are for the worst units in the project, the units on lower floors facing north- the Glas' windows. it's actually $485 per sq ft for the 581 sq ft unit
