^It's a fair question. I know someone that works for a Jewish charity and they certainly aren't looking out for the goys.... :p

(Just as I expect a Lithuanian social housing complex near where I live to be filled with Lithuanians....)
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I also know someone who works for a Jewish charity and they look after whoever walks through their front door, Jew or otherwise.
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Of course. Although clearly Kehilla applicants must be Jewish, according to the organization's home page: "Kehilla Residential Programme identifies and champions affordable housing in the Greater Toronto area and implements housing initiatives for the Jewish community."

It's fitting perhaps that Charlie is being built on Joe Mimran's old Club Monaco hq--many impoverished Jewish immigrants got their start working in the textile business centred around Spadina and King. Perhaps a future low income dweller here will launch a fashion empire...?
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Interesting that multiculturalism is seen as laudable except as it applies to Jews, in which case it's considered exclusive and exclusionary. Would we be having this discussion in regard to communities where need is perceived to be more 'real' somehow? First Nations? South Asians? Transgenders? Not all Jews are rich, you know. Some are quite poor, actually.
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Recent pic

It's not visible in the pics from that angle, but they've dug the crane pit and they're filling it with concrete.
when did they first break ground? September 2009?
i just wanted to see how long it was to dig to the point of installing the crane
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'The Three Kings'

(or at least three soon-to-be new condo towers on King St in varying states of undress)

I was looking out my window before I walked to work and saw a new red thing sticking up over by M5V. So I figured I'd get a couple of pics on my way to work. Of course this being UrbanToronto, someone beat me to it (nice shots verlander).


It appears that they still have not quite reached the bottom of the excavation yet.

I'm wondering if this represents five levels of underground parking?
