I actually kind of like 'Pinky Tuscadero', though I do think it's a bit much. Its effect will be much better when hemmed in a bit more by other buildings. The facade on the left (in the picture) has a nice pleated effect, and the glass stands out of course. Still, maybe for some, it is just a little too soon to appreciate anything from the 80s/90s.
I actually kind of like 'Pinky Tuscadero', though I do think it's a bit much. Its effect will be much better when hemmed in a bit more by other buildings. The facade on the left (in the picture) has a nice pleated effect, and the glass stands out of course. Still, maybe for some, it is just a little too soon to appreciate anything from the 80s/90s.

I think it's fine, myself. Funny how people here are always complaining about how Toronto is full of "boring boxes" yet when something different is built (like the above pink-glassed building) they complain even more.
Yes, I mean I wouldn't want to see row upon row of them but an isolated one like Pinky makes a statement.
People who live in Glas condos...

...shouldn't have bought on the south side?
how close are these condos to each other?? omg

Glas condo unit owners facing south must be teething. Wouldn't be suprised if multiple units from glas condos are being listed on mls today
I suppose some Glas residents might be teething, but I don't think they're listing their units, at least not without parental consent.
While we're on the topic of proximity, if there are any south-facing Glas residents here, I'm curious: how loud has construction at Charlie been over the last year or so? Enough to make you teeth (read: seeth)? Or is it manageable? I've always been curious when I walk by.
From the pics it looks so close that you can balcony hop from one building to another
Recent pics


Anyone have any idea when this building will reach occupancy? How long will it take to build?

