Developer: Great Gulf
Address: 430 King Street West, Toronto, Canada
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2012
Height: 403 ft / 122.83 mStoreys: 36 storeys
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Yeah, great neighbours. Especially, to those that can reach out their window and pass a cup of sugar over to their neighbour in the other building. Love the building, but it still baffles me at how were allowed to build basically touching the Hudson.
You guys are nuts. This building is just awful. Where's all the spandrel panes?
Yeah, great neighbours. Especially, to those that can reach out their window and pass a cup of sugar over to their neighbour in the other building. Love the building, but it still baffles me at how were allowed to build basically touching the Hudson.

That issue was discussed earlier in the thread. I think most of us were referring to how it looks.

That being said, with the Fresh & Wild so close, there is no excuse for being out of sugar, or bothering one's neighbour for some.
When I first started hanging out in this area--1993--none of these condo buildings were there. A scary thought. None of the new buildings to date though surpass the architectural quality of the century old warehouses.

I can remember coming back to Toronto from a long time out of the city c.2003 and thinking wow, these Icon buildings sure are ugly but my god, so many people down here now! Ha, it hadn't even started...
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So correct me if I'm wrong but their are no proposals for:

The rest of the giant parking where FLY is being built ?
The two lots fronting Mercer ?
This is the information I have for some of those lots.

327 King St. W / 39s
24 Mercer St. / 21s
15 Mercer St. / 49s
8 Mercer St. (The Mercer / 33s)
99 Blue Jays Way (40s / Sedun+Kanerva)
56 Blue Jays Way (Bisha, 41s)
And also:

357 King St. W (former M5V sales centre) / 40s (Great Gulf, coming this spring?)
355 King St. W / 48 + 44s (new proposal by Easton Group + Remington)
369 King St. W / 25s (although I heard this is no longer a serious proposal)
401-415 King West / 39s (near the end of this decade)
King Charlotte (11 Charlotte St) / 32s

The Shoppers Drug Mart (NW corner of King/Peter) and Mountain Equipment Co-op could be next given their redevelopment potential. I think I've heard rumours of an office proposal. I believe the large lot across from the Soho Metropolitan and beside Fly Condos don't have proposals yet.
I believe the large lot across from the Soho Metropolitan and beside Fly Condos don't have proposals yet.

I think the problem with those two lots....are inflated real-estate prices with height limits due to the park...developers arent touching that with a 10-foot pole.
