I love the way you say "your". As if the taste authority Concrete Toronto reflects is a figment of my imagination. Yeah, I know. Said superiority-complexers try to tell you that brutalism is "sexy", and you look at them like they're Roman Polanski or something.

Look: sure, this is a democratic urban-discussion message board where armchair amateurs have their say; but such is democracy that said armchair amateurs are free to be "called out" and bludgeoned for their ignorance. You Quayle, me Bentsen, in other words.

Though admittedly, there is a cramped and fed-up anger to your tone, which may be the heritage equivalent of Rob Ford's political support--like, to further the Polanski metaphor, they're the poor saps who've been "molested" by the political establishment, or heritage establishment, they're mad as hell and cannot take it anymore...

Superiority complex

1.An exaggerated feeling of being superior to others.
2.A psychological defense mechanism in which feelings of superiority counter or conceal feelings of inferiority.

You fit the description to a T. You admit it too. You admit you have a mental disorder.

I don't care what you like. I'd respect that you like it, but that's impossible due to your incessant insults. "Taste authority"! God, I pray you keep gems like that coming. Keep waving your little book. Rob Ford? Lovely.

The people who post on this website do so with honesty and most have a keen, architectural eye (go ahead, roll your eyes. It's like fuel to you though, isn't it?). A lot of those people might not like what you like and that's why this is the perfect platform for you to spew your derogatory garbage and I suspect that's a big reason as to why you're here. I don't know what kind of life you've lead, but I suspect something horrible happened to you which has necessitated you being a world class asshole (to people who really do not deserve it) in an attempt to heal your deep wounds.

You are a horrible, horrible human being. It's obvious you have a deep-seated hatred of the vast majority of society. What you fail to understand is it's not their problem, it's yours.

You can save your smarmy, quote ridden reply, I know exactly how you're going to respond.
To be fair, a vast majority of society is deserving of a deep-seated hatred. Additionally, a special spot in Hell is reserved for those who blanket-statement Brutalism with hateful words. Is DuBois the finest example of the style? No; but it definitely warrants fair defence, as I fear for the future of our mid-century Brutalist and Modern architectural heritage as it is. I don't dislike Chaz on Charles as much as some people here do, or as much as I dislike its name, but I'm not sure it's a worthy replacement for a perfectly acceptable, functioning building. Not much we can do now though, so let's wait and see how it turns out.

And Aaron, please spare us the dictionary definition insult format. It's done to death on the Internet. Nearly as bad as cat memes.
How about a picture to alleviate the tension here.

Thx android, nice pic, and thx also for the excellent (and informative) updates on RCMI, MaRS, and Ryerson today.....those were all excellent posts, all with actual, useful, and informative content....
You are a horrible, horrible human being. It's obvious you have a deep-seated hatred of the vast majority of society. What you fail to understand is it's not their problem, it's yours.

You can save your smarmy, quote ridden reply, I know exactly how you're going to respond.

We all have "mental disorders", Mr. Naif. Though I don't know what to think of someone who stoops to this "horrible, horrible human being" business. Maybe my Polanski/molestation metaphor twigged something.

Anyway...your location is St Catharines. You've got modern heritage. Learn to scout it out, and appreciate it--which, BTW, is something "the vast majority of society" is incapable of doing on its own, if more out of benign ignorance than explicit hostility. The message here: improve on the vast majority...

We all have "mental disorders", Mr. Naif. Though I don't know what to think of someone who stoops to this "horrible, horrible human being" business. Maybe my Polanski/molestation metaphor twigged something.

Anyway...your location is St Catharines. You've got modern heritage. Learn to scout it out, and appreciate it--which, BTW, is something "the vast majority of society" is incapable of doing on its own, if more out of benign ignorance than explicit hostility. The message here: improve on the vast majority...

You've illustrated my my point yet again. Scout it out and appreciate it? I grew up across the street from it and had many a conversation with my architect father (who produced many of his own modern, suburban gems not unlike it) about the very house you bring up, as well as a couple others in the area. My parents were quite close to buying it a few years ago and while I no longer lived at home, I was cheerleading them all the way. Everything I love about that house is related to everything I hate about so many Brutalist works. The way it sits, the lightness, the horizontal, the way it compliments and doesn't impose upon the objects around it and the fact it doesn't insult my eyeballs. Guess what? I hate most of the first phase of Brock University. Will I be scolded by His Honour?

What exactly are you assuming about me? About most of the people you deride on this forum? You are so full of yourself that you think you and the handful of others you've chosen for whatever reason, are the only ones who know what's what. Guess what? You're full of it, not to mention clueless. With your silly links, which backfire on you and your petty little insults.

"Oh, Aaron doesn't like a particular example of Brutalist architecture? How could he! My book! My book! Well, he must have something against all modern architecture! I'll show him!" Boy, you sure did.

You're so eager to prance around with your vast knowledge and put people down, you do and say stupid things. You don't think. You don't possess insight or foresight, you just barf it all out - all your resentment, all your hatred, cutely and not so cleverly wrapped in ridiculous metaphor attempts, quotes and links.

Sure, we all have mental disorders, but some - like those which feed off the humiliation of others - are far worse than others.

I apologize, interchange, but is has to be said.
I'll miss the oh-so-brief DuBois/Clewes mashup terribly, once the wrecking crew have had their way. Enjoy their lively chatter while you can. They're two handsome Toronto buildings that speak of their times and the talented individuals who designed them.

If only we could do concrete that well now ( 75 Portland I'm talkin' to you ... ).
Has anyone heard the Chaz jingle on the radio yet? I just heard it, and it's quite lame and cheesy. As the chorus goes.."Won't you daaaance with meeeee, in your world....your fantasy, Won't you daaance..etc etc".
Once upon a time in a pre-Web age, I'll betcha, newspaper critics (of architecture or whatever else) probably got plenty of mail along th elines of "you're a hater and you suck and you have a black heart and I hope you die". And whatever you saw in letters-to-the-editor print was only the tip of the iceberg. Nowadays, it's out in the open. Case in point--look at the comments here.

Look at it this way. There actually isn't that deep a gulf btw/respecting said classically modern works in St Kitts and respecting something like 45 Charles. Or at least there shouldn't be, any more than there should be a gulf btw/appreciating Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Furness. (Seriously. Half a century plus ago, it might have been common in a manner now unimaginable to hail the genius of the former while deriding the so-called High Victorian hideousness of the latter.)

It may not be all to your personal taste; but when it comes to the scope of real-and-potential heritage and "cherishability" today, one has to look beyond that, to scope the bigger picture. And unfortunately for the 45 Charles haters, the very fact of publications like Concrete Toronto and pieces like the one in BlogTO is an indication that whatever the actual building's future, the broader tide has turned on behalf of "the case for it", at least in principle. Whatever you may think of the building, you can't put that particular genie back into the bottle--and if it's not presently on the TPB Inventory, it's more by way of loophole than of "non-worth". Because if 45 Charles were submitted now, the only thing standing in the way would be the development politics around Chaz. Otherwise, if the whole Chaz business didn't exist (which is important, since development politics often unfortunately affect TPB decisions), it would likely pass inclusion--maybe even designation, were that to come to the table--with flying colours. Really. It isn't a figment of my ego or imagination. The building would have some pretty strong, well-backed defenders, and I'd reckon that Councillor Rae would be on-side, too. The "insults my eyeballs" contingent would be stopped dead in its tracks.

And...come to think of it, there's also my "there's a little Doors Open in all of us" principle to consider. That is, if--with a little assist from Concrete Toronto, the BlogTO piece, etc--you shared the story behind the building, Macy DuBois, etc with others, you're more likely to get an "oh wow" reaction than an "it's still a piece of crap" reaction. Sure, it may seem otherwise from the usual blog-commenter suspects; but hey, they have to vent. (Unfortunately, such blog threads don't have a Facebook-esque "like" function to counteract the vox-populii-picture-skewing cranks.)

Against this bigger picture, the remaining "insults my eyeballs" diehards start looking rather pathetic, kind of like the anti-Ground Zero Mosque contingent is relative to 9/11...
Has anyone heard the Chaz jingle on the radio yet? I just heard it, and it's quite lame and cheesy. As the chorus goes.."Won't you daaaance with meeeee, in your world....your fantasy, Won't you daaance..etc etc".

Sadly, yes. Ughhhhh.
