Toronto becomes a little bit less grey today but don't worry, it's greyness will increase ten fold in the coming years. One step ahead, two steps back.
Such beautiful music..

Seeing that crap go!!!! :confused:

How is that beautiful to anyone?
Sometimes knowing that something is from a certain school, is not enough to warrant saving it, geesh people , this aint Commerce Court North, or the coliseum in Rome, Ita a generic, ugly concrete blight, Chaz, is so much more attractive!
A poster for Chaz, would be better than that garbage.....
Seeing that crap go!!!! :confused:

How is that beautiful to anyone?
Sometimes knowing that something is from a certain school, is not enough to warrant saving it, geesh people , this aint Commerce Court North, or the coliseum in Rome, Ita a generic, ugly concrete blight, Chaz, is so much more attractive!
A poster for Chaz, would be better than that garbage.....

Well, folks, let us go bank to post 315 in this thread, where I offered this


versus this


And jetsbackincanada chose the latter.
There you are .... sharing your omniscience with us all...

You couldn't resist Huh??
Your opinion is so much more important than mine!
Why don't you just keep it to the topic at hand, Chaz vs, Concrete turd?? Geesh ... You are so predictable...
There is nothing on the surface worthy of saving, I have seen better sand castles.
So keep your pretentiousness to yourself, and allow me my ignorant opinions, I don't need to insult others, Why do you??
Did you build that building???
Your first kiss happen there???

Oh, No wait... Its part of a scared cult "Concrete Toronto" .....
I do not care about Brutalsim.... Nor your knowledge of it....

...and you can not even see the first house so ....??? The second house looks ok to me, but it sure doesn't relate to Chaz vs concrete pile!
The last time this happened, I received a ton of PM's about what a jerk you are??
So at least you are true to form!!!

Go read your concrete dinosaur book, I have some glass condos to dream about ..LOL
Adam took me to school on the Continental Can building - the aesthetic of a building is a matter of taste, but respect for it is a matter of informed taste. This lovely concrete sculpture is gone, and with it an evocation of an era of our history.
Is there a browser plug-in I can download to make certain posts more coherent and less YouTube-comment-like? Something to strip out extraneous punctuation, impose some grammar, maybe include a cogent argument?
This scourge of mindless 'tasteful' development, whether it be the faux-chateaux of suburban poseurs or the boxy bland pseudo-modern condos of hipster twits, is like purple loostrife, choking out and ultimately destroying everything in its wake.
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Lets just start shit for the sake of starting shit. Opinions are opinions. Doesn't matter really who thinks which is better, but just starting crap for no reason because you are angry a building is being torn down and then pulling up some old post to start a fight is really juvenile imo. Although to be fair, Jets kinda instigated in a way as well. Both sides need lots of valium. Sure it would be nice if we could keep the old brutalist thing, but its a done deal, so move on. And in terms of the houses? To be honest, I prefer a well built custom home, the first one looked very suburban to me, while the second has a smaller lot size I think. But then I would prefer to live in the sky in a highrise, than spread my self out over as much land as possible.
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Seems to me you've misread the situation above. adma's post was in response to Jets' ignorant celebration of the loss of the DuBois building and shouldn't be taken as anything other than: 'why should we pay you any mind when you're the kind of person who would find this *house* superior.' Seems to me it's less "starting shit for the sake of starting shit" or "opinions are opinions" than responding accurately to someone who would sooner rip out a (somewhat important) piece of our ever-dwindling heritage stock for another poorly-conceived Wassermuhl-ism a la Museum House. In that sense, the question of 'which house' isn't necessarily about the structures in question (though it is) as much as it is the existential value choices which might lead an individual to choose one over the other.
In short, the lament over this building is responded to by a post that is equivalent to dancing on someone's grave. Surely that's the epitome of bad taste?

